homophobic encounter

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Ace x Kristin

Flashback a week earlier Ace's pov) I was in my room tears streaming down my face Well I posted a TikTok with Kristen and it was the 'two best firends in a room they might kiss' and everyone was saying how that's gay

The thing is I am gay and I can't figure out away to tell everyone one but I might go live and call it good

I start the live on Instagram and i see many people pop in

" Hey everyone how are y'all" I asked

I got comments saying good and what not

" So the reason Why I went live is because I wanted to come out as gay" I said and alot of comments with hate started flooding in so I quickly end it

Back to present time Kristin's pov)

The rest of the house and I are at target getting things for the house and as we're checking out people come up to ace and starts calling him names like

Queer and faggot

And I step near ace and I started talking

" Leave him alone" I said and I grabbed his hand and started walking away and I hear someone shout

" ARE YOU GAY TO NOW" and I got annoyed and kissed him

" No but I'm bi and if you don't like it your not a fan of any of us" I said and we walked out with the rest of the house

Hey guys hope you liked it bye

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