filling Chase's room with pictures of josh

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Josh and chase)

(This is inspired by the joke Thomas did on Charli and chase a few years ago filling thier rooms with pictures of the other)

Thomas's pov) today I planned on filling Chase's room with pictures of his ex Josh of course Josh knows along with Bryce Jaden  Rayland and mia

We have a thousand copies of this picture of josh

And we're gonna put them all in chases room and bathroom

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

And we're gonna put them all in chases room and bathroom

" He's gonna kill you" Rayland said and Bryce agreed

" You know how hard it was for him to get over the break up and for us to get him out of his room to go out" Kouvr said

" If he gets up set don't come yelling at us"mia said hanging up a picture

" Well let's hope he likes it" I said

After we finished We heard Charli and chase walking towards his room and his door open revealing Chase and his smile dropped turning around

" Chase" I said going after him

" L..leave me a..alone Thomas " he said walking outside and I sighed

Chase's pov) I was feeling really really good today Charli and I just got back from the mall when we walked to my room and I open my door and see Thomas Josh Jaden Rayland mia and Kouvr and a lot of pictures of josh my smile drops I turn around and walk back down the hall and Thomas went outside follows me

" L.. leave me a.. alone Thomas" I said and went out side and leaned against The house letting My tears fall and I see Charli Kouvr and Jaden come out and they hug me

" It's okay buddy" Jaden said

" I miss h..him" I cried

" We know " Charli said

" It's just I took that photo of him on one of our dates and just memories from our relationship came flooding and it hurt so so much" I said

" Let's go to my room and you can get some sleep" Charli said and I nodded and we all walked to her room as soon as I hit her bed Im out like a light

Charli's pov) once he's asleep Jaden Kouvr and I go to his room to see Thomas and the others

" What the fuck is wrong with you" I said walking to Thomas

" What did I do" he asked

" You know how much Josh screwed him up after the break up you doing this could cause him to relapse" Kouvr said and Josh looked up shocked

" Do you mind if I go see him" Josh asked and I nodded telling him he's in my room and he walked out

Josh's pov) I walk into charli's room to see chase curled up asleep and I walk in shut the door and walk over to him laying next to him
wrapping my arms around him and he cuddled into my chest

" God I miss you" I mumble

A few minutes later chase stirred and he opened his eyes and saw me and he started to tear up

" Why" he said

" Huh" I said

" Why did you break up with me what did I do" he said letting tears slide I quickly wipe them away

" Nothing nothing at all I broke up woth you cause I thought you weren't happy you acted like you we're miserable" I said and he leaned into my chest

" I was happy super happy as soon as we broke up my mental health went to hell I cut and almost died cause I wanted you too be thier too comfort me and tell me you love me and that everything will be okay" he said and I kissed his lips and he kissed back

" Everything will be okay so chase will you be my boyfriend again" I said and he smiled and nodded

" I love you" he said I kissed his head and he cuddled into my chest

Hey guys hope you liked it byeee

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