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Mention of sexual assault

Chase and Josh)

Jordan Richards 17 male  parents nessa and josh
Maddie Richards 11 female parents nessa and josh
Jasmine Hudson 2 female parents charlie and chase
Kamden Hudson 15 male parents Charli and chase
Kayla Richards 3 months female parents Josh and chase

Jayden's pov) I wake up to my baby sister crying and my dad and josh trying to calm her down along with Jasmine so I get up and  go to Kayla and jasmines room and grab jasmine

" Jasy your okay what happened" I cooed

" Scawy dweam" she sobbed and I rubbed her back

" Hey remember what I said thier just dreams they can't hurt you" I said and she nodded and she fell asleep and I laid her down and took Kayla and rocked her but she won't fall asleep but she kept trying to suck on my nipple

" Dad I know you don't like to do this but I don't think she wants the bottle" I said and he sighed took her and started to feed her

" Your gonna be a great parent one day Kam" Josh said and I nodded

" Okay so let's go watch a movie " dad said as he laid Kayla down we walked downstairs and watched water boy

A few hours later

I get up from the couch and go get ready for school in a hoodie and some shit shorts it's one of my fem days and my vans and I go downstairs

"Bye dad bye Josh see you Monday" I said walking out the door to the bus stop to see my best friend Mariah Hossler

" Hey kammy looking good" she said and I smiled

" Hey m and thanks" I said and hugged her

A while later we're at school and we go out separate ways

On the way to class I'm pulled into the bathroom and I see my bully Jason

" What Jason " I said

" Your gonna let me do what ever I want with you and you better not tell a soul " he said and I nodded

Next thing I know my shorts and panties are off along with my hoodie and he pushed into me and I cried out

After that I change and quickly change into my sweats from my locker

After school) I walk out of school to see mom holding jasmine and standing next to Landon nessa and Jaden

(An I know ness and jae broke up but in this thier still together)

" Hi baby" mom said going to hug me but I quickly move from it

" Hi" I said quietly and walked to the car

At the house)

I walk to my room and call dad

" Hey baby what's up" he asked

" Can you c..come get me " I cried and he looked concerned

" Why" he asked and I let out a sob

" Just come get me please" I pleaded

" Okay okay Josh and I are on our way" He said and we hung up

I grabbed my bag and once they get her I run to the car and I get in the back and curl up

" Baby what happened" dad asked and I broke out into sobs

Dad crawled into the back with me and tried to hug me but I flinched and he gasped

" Josh get to the hospital " dad said Josh drove to the hospital

Dad grabbed me and held me as I sobbed scared of his touch

Once we're at the hospital dad rushes me inside and they take me into a room

20 minutes later chases pov) we've been in the ER for twenty minutes and I called charlie after we got here and when she Got her asked me immediately what happened

" He was raped at school so we're having him checked out" I explained and she nodded

" Family of kamden Hudson " the doctor asked and we all looked and stood up

" How is he" I asked

" He's okay he doesn't have STDs but we discovered this is the first time he was rapped and he is 4 months pregnant" the doctor said

" Can we see him" I asked and he nodded bringing us to his room

" Hi baby How do you feel" Charli asked

" Like hell " he said Charli and I hugged him

" We're so sorry baby " I said and he sighed

" It's okay it's not your fault it was Jason's" he said

A few minutes later his phone rang and It was Jordan

" Hey Jo" Jordan quickly cut him off

" Baby are you okay " he said sounding concerned

" Ya but they found out about our little sleeping beauty" he said and we looked confused

" Baby we couldn't hide the fact that we love each other forever as much as it's nice but it's great they know but I'm gonna help you through this all okay" Jordan said and he nodded

" I love you" Kamden said

" I love you too " Jordan said and they hung up

" So we're happy that you guys love each other but your practically brothers "Charli said

" We don't care and we're not brothers we're step siblings " kamden said

" Okay anyway we're gonna go sign you out then you can come home " dad said and then Kayla started crying and he motioned for her

" Hi sissy I love you " he said kissing her head and she fell back asleep

" You are amazing with kids" Landon said and he nodded

" You just have to have the magic touch" he said and all of us laughed

" I guess so" Josh said

Hey guys hope you liked it byeee

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