sweet creature

566 1 1

Pt.2 of lady

Jackson Dean and Bryce Parker)

Bryce's pov)
Jackson was out with the boys I'm 9 months pregnant and my due date is in a few days so it's been nice for him to be out cause when he's home he's glued to my side it was nice when he decorated her nursery because he wouldn't let me do much but fold clothes

Right know I'm watching a movie with mia and Paige when I felt a sharp pain and I shrugged it off thinking it was Braxton Hicks but it happens again and I wince gaining Mia's attention

" Bryce what's wrong" she asked

" It's just savvy being cranky" I said

" Oh well try rubbing where it hurts and see if that helps" she said and I started rubbing it

As time goes on the pain gets worse and I realize I have to go to the bathroom so I get up and I feel a gush of liquid down my leg and I look at the girls

" Call Jackson" is all I could say as a contraction hit me like a hurricane

" Okay let's get you to the car and we'll call Jackson on the way to the hospital and mia get the bag" Paige said helping me into new sweats and a hoodie and help me out the door into the car and mia runs out with the bag and gets into the passenger

As we start driving I dial Jackson's number and call him putting it on speaker

Jackson's pov) the guys and I were out for a guys day so we went out to the mall and went to pizza hut for lunch when my phone rang and bryce's name pops up and I quickly answer it

" Hey bubs what's up" I asked and I heard him let out a cry and I got worried

" You have to meet us at the hospital" he said my eyes widened and I dropped my fork making the boys look at me

" Why what happened " I asked as he whimpered in pain again and I heard mia in the back ground telling him to take deep breaths

" Savvy's coming" he said and I looked at the boys and see Thomas paying and we all got up

" Okay the guys and I will be thier soon I love you and I'll see you soon" I said

" I love you too" he said and we hung up

" Come on man your gonna be a daddy" ace said and we all chuckled getting into Thomas Tesla and Jacobs car and drove to the hospital

At the hospital)

When we get to the hospital I rush to bryce's room as the boys stay in the waiting room with the girls

" Hi baby" I said and kiss his head

" Hi Jacky" he said

" How do you feel" I asked taking his hand

" It hurts so bad" he said and let's tears slide

" I know but your 4 cm so six more than vanna will be ready to come" i said and I grabbed the camera and Bryce held his

" Okay so savvy momma went into labor at 12:50 pm and is now 4 cm dilated and we can't wait to meet you and we have a birth vlog as well that's on mommas YouTube as well so your a little surprise to our fans " I said with a chuckle

" He guys been a while so I'm pregnant and I just went into labor a while ago and baby dean is almost here and I'll update soon" he said closing the camera

A while later he's now 10 cm and he turns hso camera on and I hold it

" Okay so baby dean is almost here and Jackson and I are super excited to meet her and so is everyone else we're not gonna say her name just yet but stay tuned for a bunch of family photos" he said and I kissed his lips and the doctor came in and said he was able to push so they prepped the room and got ready for the baby

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