Chapter 4

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*Warning mention of Gore and Injury in this chapter*

If you do not wish to see those details then just skip to the end for the summary

The storm outside was going crazy. Sans honestly thought that several of the trees outside snapped in two. Good thing their 2 story cabin rested on an open patch of land and not near any of the trees.

The household of skeletons had gotten the alert on their devices that there would be a very dangerous storm coming through the city of Ebott. Everyone was told to stay inside and away from any windows. As a result the skeletons were inside working on their own projects around the house.

Sans was doing nothing and just laying on the couch.

Papyrus was cooking.

Stretch was scrolling through his phone.

Blue was helping Papyrus.

Red was working on his ride in the garage.

Edge was bossing Blue and Papyrus around. Or at least trying to, said skeletons did want to listen to him. But that only made Edge more agitated. Didn't help the fact that the storm outside was putting him and the rest of the skeletons on edge as well.

Sans smiled and caught Edge as he was leaving the kitchen to go to his room, "hey don't be on edge, Edge. chill out already like the rest of us." Sans suggested.

Edge just glared and growled at the lid back skeleton before marching off to his own room.

Red eventually came in, covered in oil and looked to be sweating from the hard but satisfying work on his baby. He of course cleans up and joins Sans on the other couch. "how's the girl out there?" Sans inquired.

"purrin' like a beauty" Red says very satisfied. He looked out the uncovered window, "d***, still coming down out there's?"

Sans nodded, "yep and it's definitely worse than before. heard a few trees outside snap. there's probably a lot of damage outside that will need to be fixed." Sans said.

Red rolled his eye lights, "great. one thin' finally gets fixed and another thin' pops up. just great." he grouches.

"watch it Red, Sans already called your bro out on being a grouch. ya don't wanna end up in the same boat." Stretch teased.

"shut up ashtray before i shut ya up for ya." Red threatened.

Stretch paid his threats no mind and just shrugged and went back to scrolling through his phone. Red, who was still glaring, eventually turned to his own phone.

The skeletons continued their evening, just waiting out the storm.

That is until lightning struck very close to the house.

Too close in Sans's opinion.

Way too close.

The lightning caused the power in the entire house to go out. Everything electrical was dead. Lights, ac, internet, even their phones, everything was out of commission. The lightning also scared the majority if not all the skeletons in the house.

"holy f***ing h***!!" Red cursed sitting straight up from his lying position on the couch.

Then of course two distinct screams could be heard from the kitchen. In addition to thumping and crashing sounds coming from one of the many rooms in the house. Most likely coming from Edge's room, Sans predicts.

Speaking of the lazy skeleton, his reaction was to flinch, open his sockets, and is now fully awake.

Then of course there was Stretch who didn't really react to the lightning, once his phone went off though he shoved it back into his pockets and let out a sigh.

The Time I Got Struck By Lightning and Got Hooked Up With SkeletonsWhere stories live. Discover now