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Robin's pov:

As I went into the dark, spooky woods it had started to rain a lot which made me worry even more about y/n because I didn't know if she had anywhere to stay or even if she was safe as I kept on walking in the woods with my flashlight in my hand i came across this bench and I saw y/n's Walkman on it just laying there and I started to panic even more of the thought that someone took her or she had been hurt. A few hours have passed and I'm still walking in the woods looking for y/n and by now I think it's around 2am so I have been in the woods for a pretty long time. Before me Steve and Nancy went looking for y/n Steve gave me this walkie-talkie so I could talk to them if any of us got lost like y/n did so I decided to try and talk to them telling them that I found y/n's Walkman but of course I didn't get any response, I mean what was I thinking it was like 2am and they must of been sleeping by now, I kept on walking for a few seconds until I heard Nancy's voice coming from the Walkie-Talkie.

Nancy: wait Robin can you say that again? I couldn't hear you *Nancy said as she started to yawn*.

Robin: omg Nancy your up! Oh and i was walking in the woods and I came across this bench so I walked up to it and I found y/n's Walkman just laying there.

Nancy: did you pick it up? And Robin I thought you said you were only going to be in the woods for a few minutes it's nearly 3am you need to get home.

Robin: i was going to go home but then I saw y/n's Walkman so I got worried I thought she might of got hurt or someone took her so I just had to keep on looking for her. *I said as I tried my best not to cry but I think Nancy could tell I was going to cry by how my voice sounded*.

Nancy: okay uh..Robin come out of the woods and I will be there in a bit I will try and help you look. *Nancy said as she started to yawn again*.

Robin: wait what? Are you sure? You really don't have to like I can totally look on my own and plus your like really tired and you should really get some sleep.

Nancy: omg Robin please just listen to me if we both try and look we might find her faster oh and I will bring you a coat because it's raining pretty hard right now and I don't want you to get a cold or anything. *Nancy said as she started to get up and leave the house*.

Robin: ughhh okay fine I will see you in a bit Nancy.

Nancy: yep! See you in a bit Robin.

I started to walk out of the woods and when I made it out I waited a few minutes until I saw Nancy coming over to me and when she came over to me she passed me a coat and I put it on, after that we both started to walk back into the woods and by then it was like 4:30am and omg let me tell you I was super tired like I couldn't even keep my eyes open.

Nancy: hey you see that small cabin over there? *Nancy started putting at the small cabin in the distance*.

Robin: oh yeah I see it! What about it?

Nancy: what if y/n is in there?

Robin: what? You really think y/n would just walk into some random cabin? *I said as I rolled my eyes at Nancy*.

Nancy: I mean it was raining pretty hard and if I was her and I was lost in the woods and the came across a cabin I would definitely go inside of it. Come on let's just check it out who knows y/n might actually be inside.

Robin: okay, okay fine we can go look if y/n is in there but I can already tell you that she is not in that cabin and it's just some old creepy man. *I said as I crossed my arms.

After a few minutes me and Robin started to flash our lights into the windows of the small cabin to see if we can see anyone inside and after a few minutes we could hear someone moving about so Nancy rushed inside while I quickly followed her inside.

Robin: why did you do that? What if this is some strangers house? *I whispered to Nancy*.

Nancy just ignore me and walked into a small room and looked around and then she left the room and went into the second bed room and as she entered someone grabbed her and pushed her into the wall.

Robin: Y/N? OMG ITS YOU!! *I shouted loudly*.

Y/n: Robin? *As she said my name she looked at Nancy and let her go quickly and started to say sorry because she thought that we were someone else*.

Me and Nancy both hugged y/n tightly for around  10 minutes straight and I even started to cry because of how happy I was to finally see my y/n again.

Robin: y/n im so so sorry that I didn't believe you when you were saying you didn't cheat on me..I honestly feel so bad. *I said as I started to tear up again*.

Y/n: Robin it's okay I forgive you *She says as she hugged me again tightly making me smile*.

Nancy: as much as I hate to ruin this super cute  moment but can we please go home? I'm so tired. *Nancy said as she started to yawn again*.

Robin: of course we can Nancy *I said as me and y/n started to laugh*.

Y/n's pov:

I think it was around 5am when me Robin and Nancy all started to walk back home because the sun had only just came back up. After we got out of the woods I felt so happy to finally be out of there like I was stuck in that place for 3 whole days omg it was horrible. When I finally got home me and my mom hugged for like 10 minutes both crying from being so happy, she asked where I went and I just told her that I wanted to go on a walk in the woods and I ended up getting lost and she laughed slightly causing me to laugh too.


(HEYYYY I'm really struggling to think of some idea for this story so please if you do have any ideas could you please tell me? Anyways I hoped you liked this chapter byeee)

Word count: 1170

Y/n x Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now