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Y/n's pov:

Robin: yeah, yeah whatever you say *Robin says as she starts to walk back home*.

I was just standing there for a few minutes shocked about what just happened and then I started to walk home and the whole way I was just looking down at my shoes trying my best not to start crying. When I got home I ran upstairs not even saying "hi" to my mom, when I got to my room I grabbed my teddy bear and jumped onto my bed and tried to fall asleep.

~Time skip to the next day~

I woke up to my mom shaking me with an worried expression on her face.

mom: honey are you okay? You looked pretty upset when you came home yesterday.

Y/n: I'm fine mom..all good *i gave her a fake smile*

mom: honey I know your not just fine..please tell me what happened..I'm worrying about you.

Y/n: it's just that..well you know Robin right? *my mom nodded as I kept on talking* well uh..we aren't together anymore *i say as I start to cry more and more*.

mom: omg y/n I'm so sorry..you know what I will let you have today off if you would like? *my mom said as she hugged me slightly and I hugged her back*.

Y/n: yeah I would like that..thank you mom *i say as I let go of my mom and wiped my eyes with my hand and smiled slightly at my mom*.

Mom left my room and went downstairs and a few minutes later she went out the door and got into her car to get to work. I went downstairs and got a drink of water, right after I drank it all I sat down on a chair and started to cry again, after a few minutes I decided to go get changed and go on a walk to get my mind off everything that happened yesterday. When I got into my room I put on some baggy jeans and a grey hoodie then I grabbed my Walkman and started to walk outside and a few minutes later I ended up in the woods and saw a bench and sat down on it.

Y/n: I just cant believe that Robin believes Jason over her own girlfriend..well now ex girlfriend but still *I said to myself*. I would never cheat on her I'm still really annoyed that she doesn't believe me *I said as I started to look around a bit confused*.

Y/n: where the heck am I? *I say to myself in a confused tone as I slowly got up from where I was sitting and started to walk again trying to find my way back home*.

After 20 minutes of walking I'm still in the woods and I start to get worried because I still have no idea where I am. I stopped for a few minutes and started to look around to see if I could recognised anything but nope I didn't recognise anything at all, there was just trees and some more trees.

~Time skip its now night time~

"HELLO? IS ANYONE THERE? IM LOST AND I DONT KNOW WHERE IM GOING" I shout out with no luck because I don't think anyone even heard me.

Y/n: what am I going to do..I have no idea where I am and my mom is probably getting really worried. *I looked around again and saw a fort made out of sticks and I decided that I should try and get some sleep and try to find my way back home in the morning so I went into the fort and slowly fell asleep but it was hard since I didn't have my teddy bear*.

Robins pov:

It was around 9pm as I heard someone knock on my door so I went and opened it and when I did I saw Steve and Nancy standing there with an worried expression on their faces so I let them in.

Robin: what are you guys doing here? And why do you both look so worried? Omg are you guys okay? *I looked at them with an confused look*.

Steve: have you looked on the news? *Steve said as he looked at me*.

Robin: uh..no why? What happened?

Nancy: y/n is missing..they said that she went on a walk today at like 10am and she never came back home. *Nancy said as it looked like she was about to cry*.

Robin: w-what?..y/n is missing? No, no your joking? Please tell me your joking.. *I say as I felt tears start to form in my eyes*.

Steve: we need to look for her..but Robin please don't worry we will find her *Steve said as he hugged me and Nancy came over to join the hug*.

After a few minutes we pulled away from the hug and I wiped my tears away and we got some flashlights and went outside to look for y/n, after 2 hours we still had no luck and now it was 11pm so we went home and decided to look bright and early in the morning, that night was one of the worst night of my life just the thought of  y/n still being out there in the dark all alone made me feel sick, after 2 hours I finally got to sleep.


(I  love this photo of her so much omg anyways I hope you guys liked the chapter and I'm sorry again that this chapter is short but I will try and make the next one longer byeeeee!!)

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(I  love this photo of her so much omg anyways I hope you guys liked the chapter and I'm sorry again that this chapter is short but I will try and make the next one longer byeeeee!!)

Y/n x Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now