Ways of a Jedi

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You we're in a place you weren't familiar with as you looked around as it has tree's, a river and a clear view of the moon. You looked at it in awe as the moon looks so majestic at this night.

: I take your enjoying the surroundings?

You snapped out of as you looked around before you spotted the source of the voice as you saw A man standing there but he was transparent and ghost like.

You snapped out of as you looked around before you spotted the source of the voice as you saw A man standing there but he was transparent and ghost like

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: It's good to finally see you face to face my friend.

Y/n: W-Who are you?

: I am deeply sorry, the first time we've meet was the time you we're training with girls. Though this planet is far more different than the ones we know back at our old Galaxy, but it was still wonderful to know that there was life outside of the outer rim and so much more into the great beyond.

He went towards a pile of rocks as he sat on it.

: If you still want to know my name, I am Qui-Gon Jinn. Obi-wan and Anakin's old master, though i didn't teach him as much as i did to Obi-wan i do hope he doesn't forget my teachings like he does to Obi-wans.

Y/n: Wait, General Skywalker and Kenobi's Master? But how am i talking to you right now?!

Qui-Gon: It's because when i was still alive i studied the Philosophy centered around the living force even against the wishes of the council i followed my pursuit on the will of the force in order to understand it, i have pursuit it for a long time but i have made my discovery when i soon stumble across The Shaman of the Whills and Five Priestesses but i was summoned by jedi council before i could properly learn it but when my time have come to an end my consciousness continued even after my death and soon i had perfected a technique to find the secret to immortality through the Force.

Y/n: That's a lot to take in.

Qui-gon: Sometimes The ability to speak does not make you intelligent, it is the Wisdom and knowledge you've gained that give you your intelligence.

Y/n: Okay, so what now?

Qui-gon: First i must trained your mind before we can train your body.

Y/n: My mind?

Qui-gon: The dark side, As master Yoda once said to me and the other younglings. "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.", These are one of the many reason many Good and respectful jedi become corrupted and twisted as they yearn for power and revenge.

Y/n: So if i let my Fear, My anger, My hate control me then i'll be only putting myself in a path of Pain and suffering?

Qui-gon: Indeed and that is why i am here for, To bring balance to your mind as i can tell you are still conflicted, Tell me what do you fear the most?

You looked at him for a moment before thinking about the war and how eventually you'll be scrapped after you and your brothers served your purpose.

Y/n: I-I'm scared of being useless, Okay! In all my life, If you can count a ships first day of deployment their life. I was always scarred that one day when the war is over and peace was brought back to the galaxy the republic will just decommissioned us and turn us into scrap or parts for bigger, Better ships that can be use to keep the peace. I'm afraid that one day, i'll never matter enough for anyone to remember me! 

As me and my brothers hard work and sacrifice were all for nothing as we are turned into scrap! And you don't know how it feels to wake up knowing every waking day, knowing that one day you'll live out your usefulness and be replace with something bigger, better and stronger just so they can have all the glory, The achievements and respect you or your brothers worked so hard for only for them to get it instead of us! We've earned those rewards, Those achievements Not Them!!

You looked down in shame as you weren't fit to become a jedi.

Y/n: ...Why are you even still here, I'm a weapon of war master Qui-gon not a jedi! I was created to fight and serve as a Battle ship/ Cruiser for the Republic navy and once i'm done i'll just be turned into scrap and parts Just like all my brothers are!! Nothing more than tools for everyone to just used once  and discard it immediately, I'm not human Qui-gon and i know i'm not other alien races either, i'm just a Factory defect that shouldn't be alive but here i am alive and guilt is trying to fuck me harder than life already did! ...I already failed this test Qui-gon so why even bother staying?

Qui-gon: I'm not testing you, Y/n. Life tests you! Every day it brings you new chances for triumph or defeat. And if you pass the test, it doesn't make you a Jedi. It makes you human, Not a Robot nor a Machine but a living breathing human.

Y/n: I'm sorry master but were supposed to be expendable, while you and the others are irreplaceable. We're just machines made for war not Friends or people you can talk to.

Qui-gon: There are many realities in the universe, some of them quite harsh. One reality that is inescapable is that there is nothing more valuable than a friend. More than food, more than shelter, and more than weaponry, an ally can save your life. And you my friend are never alone, You were given a chance to live and you should enjoy it rather regretting it.

Qui-gon placed a hand on your shoulder, You looked up to him having a look of what one would say misty eyed plea.

Qui-gon: You must own the rain, Y/n. It must be part of you, an extension of you. If you fight it, it will win. Never forget this my friend, You are human not a machine. You show worry, Sadness, Fear and Many more emotion, That shows that you were always human. not a weapon or a machine but a Kind and caring soul that tries to look out for others even if they're own life is at risk. You are human and will always will be.

Then qui-gon hugged you and you don't know how to respond, it took all your strength to hug him back as you were in tears.

Y/n: Why try master, you have others to teach more worthy than me but why choose me?

Qui-gon: Why? Because i don't want to see another soul to fall into despair and sadness, You were given life by the force so take it and lived the life you never knew you could have Because i believed in you. Just like Anakin, You have so much potential yet you lack the strength and guidance to grasp it. That's why i am here, To guide you and to bring you peace. You we're never alone my friend and you will never will be Again.

You hug tighter as qui-gon pat your back but he was fading away and you looked at him in worry.

Y/n: Master?

Qui-gon: Looks like our time is up but Remember this. Life does not treat you fairly or unfairly, it merely is. It is up to each of us to be fair, or unfair. So what would you be Y/n?

You looked at the ground before clenching your fist and looking back at Qui-gon with a look of determination in your eyes.

Y/n: I will be fair to others master, just like how you were fair to others.

Qui-gon didn't say anything but smiled and soon everything went to darkness. You open your eyes again and you were back in your room again, You look at lightsaber and remember the meeting with qui-gon.

Y/n: I promise master, I will make you proud.

But soon you heard alarms blaring and you got up from your bed and quickly wore your armor and attached the lightsaber to your belt as you ran out to go towards the commanders office to see what's wrong.

Y/n: Commander, What's going on?!

Commander: Sakura and Siren ships are coming towards the Island, Battle stations!!

You nod as you ran towards the docks as you got a communicator out as you Called In a LAAT gunship to pick you up.

The Empire is coming.

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