Chapter 86: King of Chaos (5)

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Chapter 86: King of Chaos (5)


The Far East of <Chaos> was a desert region. Within it was a narrow path that led to deep fog. Beyond the fog, was a giant lavish palace.

The Palace of Reincarnation.

A place where people who had lost their lives went to find their lives.

A man was smoking in the outer area of the Palace.

“Ugh, how can those <Chaos> bastards smoke this crap?”

The man spat the cigarette onto the ground.


In front of him, or in front of the Palace, were crowds of people.

“H-hey! Don’t cut in!”

“I was here first!”

There were members of Renowned families and followers of the Lords, from the 5th to 8th stages. It was the line to wait for their turn to be revived. The line was so long that where it ended wasn’t visible as it stretched into the fog.

“I’ve waited for so long! 6 months!”

“I waited for 8 months, you asshole!”

The two men in front started fighting. It was the 8th stage Adapter McDowell and Agribba. McDowell served the 7th region, the Lord of Immortal Abraxas, and Agribba served the Lord of Darkness.

‘Ugh, they’re starting again.’

The man inside, Fog General Hirkmyer, frowned. He, the 72nd Prince of the Palace, knew very well that there were two species in this world. One that could be revived, and one who could not.

The ones that were fighting in front of him were the latter. The ones who could be revived weren’t even in the long queue. They were just guided straight to the [Fruit] storage to be revived. Hirkmyer shouted at them.

“FOOLS! You waited for that long already. Isn’t it time you give it up?!”

“No way, Prince! Even you can’t be revived yet! Isn’t this your 3rd year?!”

“If you are revived, the next is us!”

“…I’m ‘choosing’ not to be revived, you fools.”

“That’s the same thing!”

Hirkmyer then became furious.

“Insolent fools… Do you wish to perish?”

“HEEK! I’m sorry!”

Agribba and McDowell quickly bowed.

“I will kill you both if you two start again.”


Hirkmyer didn’t feel good at all. They were actually right on that point, it was actually the same thing. Why was he left in the palace to guard when he was a 9th stage Adapter? It was simple. It was because of the Neutral Treaty made 900 years ago.

-All Generals who die in battle have the responsibility to serve as Prince of the Palace. The amount of time to serve is until the next General comes along to serve.

It was because of that treaty that Hirkmyer was stuck in this remote part of <Chaos>.

‘Damn that Pearl General…’

It was 3 years ago when he died. There was a fight between the 5th and 7th region. To avoid the fight becoming bigger, the Generals of each region decided to resolve it with a one-on-one fight. Hirkmyer was in the 7th region, and it was Bang Chunir the Pearl General that fought against him.

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