001. Unleash the Chaos..

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Sierra was shivering from every limb. Her body turned into a forest trembling in its ancient dryness before the strength of a storm. It was tumbling through the rustled leaves, turning them to dust blown into the wind and lost forever to the grayness of a sky of terror. For she was, above all else afraid. Not as a teenager is afraid of an exam about to change their life, but rather as a child has that inert fear of darkness or what lays below their bed, in their closet or behind the rage of a tall guardian. 

All of a sudden, she had reversed back almost two years and she was again just a girl with voices in her head, running from things she didn't understand towards the great unknown... all for the same name: Danny Rand

One cannot realize how unlucky or lucky they truly are until they've lost the catalyst of their changing point. Danny had shown Sierra the path to courage, to knowledge, to growth and most importantly, to love, acceptance, the true meaning of a home which shelter that sacred forest from the destruction of the storm, stopped the threat before it could ever tamper with the healing of the nature. 

Now he was taken from her. The shield around the forest was ripped to shreds and from deep in the rotten roots now barely holding onto the ground to avoid being ripped by the winds of chaos and sorrow, she was looking for him. It was a fundamentally easy spell, but it fleshed out with terrifying accuracy from only a grain of dust and a drop of water from the accident scene the recent history of the place: The Environment Memory

In this vapor cloud of translucent shines and molecules exploding in a myriad of mirages, images sparked colors and formed the lightly blurred images of the press conference, moments before the attack. The focus was on Danny's face, so clear that any watcher could vividly spot the drops of sweat beading his forehead, wiped every two minutes by the back of his shivering hand. Echoes of his mind were only revealed to Sierra, whose eyes caught the faintest luminescence of bright white amongst the hazel of her irises. 

He was wondering why would him getting married be taken as such a big deal that the press would go out of their way to tear him down, as a person, as a CEO, and as a hero who helped the local communities continuously. Ward Meachum, on Danny's right at all times, was however convinced this was no surprise, because him, unlike Danny, had never expected the best out of people to begin with. For him, this was just the flock of hungry hyenas doing what they knew best: seethe storms.

"... once again," Danny's voice ghosted to the floating smoke of the spell. He was as nervous as the first flower of spring facing the winter all alone; his head bowed, then raised, blinded by at least a thousand flashes and reminded to look down at the notes Ward made for him, "the proposal has been in prospect for a year now and Sierra's input in the company-"

"Has she always been a witch?" a mocking question raised above the chatter of the crowd, right before the color drained out and turned to different shades of pink. Glitches corrupted the spell, like a thousand times before and like a broken recording, explosions after explosions lost the image, the sound to mere flashes of Danny's right fist lighting up with Chi, and just as fast, dying out as he protected Ward.

Now Ward was in hospital, Danny was missing and Sierra was in San Francisco, wired on the chase. She sat in a cheap, white plastic chair, in an office almost without any furniture at all, forgetting even how to blink only so she could raise her hand; then, the spell worked like a recording which she paused, then, by sliding her hand to the side, it played back the mocking voice. 

"That," her hoarse, cried voice, pointed out and desperately, her eyes lost their magic luminescence, turning to look at the people she reached out to, on Agent W's recommendation.

Grizzly leant back in his own plastic chair, posted behind a desk and a sturdy laptop. Sierra had appeared out of thin air and him and his Horsemen were in the middle of something, but he pushed aside those matters because one look at her paled face told him he should be frightened by anything able to make the brave witch he met at the beginning of the year look this horrified. 

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