011 | pick me up, buttercup

Start from the beginning

He really, really hates arguing with his friends.

But before they could properly talk things over and make amends, they'd both realised the time, and Yugyeom had been forced to make a mad-dash up the path towards the business and economics building so that Jungkook wouldn't be late for class, the human-hybrid clinging onto his back for dear life. The werewolf had dropped him off right at the door to his study hall with about thirty seconds to spare – Yugyeom had wanted to go further inside, but Jungkook had point-blank refused to be carried over to his seat in front of everyone. Hell no. He'd been humiliated enough for one day, thank you.

However, the abrupt, unresolved ending to their earlier conversation hadn't sat comfortably with Jungkook. They'd hugged it out, sure, but he knew there was more that Yugyeom had wanted to say; a whole world of pain and frustration the wolf had elected to hold back for Kookie's sake. Knowing they were still at odds had been fucking unbearable.

So Jungkook had continuously glanced at the clock throughout his two-hour lecture on competitive business models in land revenue, a knot of guilt and uncertainty gnawing away at his insides the whole time, the throbbing pain in his ankle almost an afterthought compared to the hollow ache in his chest. By the end of class (what felt like several decades later), Kookie had managed to thoroughly convince himself that his worst fears had finally come true; that their friendship was over, their bond would never truly recover from this day, and it was entirely his fault.

But then Yugyeom had been waiting for him in the corridor outside his classroom with a cheerful smile, nuzzling Jungkook's temple in his usual tender greeting and turning around so that the human-hybrid could hop up onto his back. As they stepped out into the sunny campus grounds, the wolf was already musing aloud about potential dates for their next sleepover at the Den, listing off all the new horror movies he and Binnie wanted to marathon. It was as if their argument had never happened at all.

Jungkook honestly hadn't intended to bring the topic up again until Yugyeom did, but his fears and doubts have been slowly building up over the past two hours and by now they've reached a boiling point.

He just has to make sure there's no lingering bad blood between them. He'll never sleep tonight if there's even the faintest sliver of doubt left in his mind about the status of their friendship; the thought of Yugyeom still being angry with him is making Jungkook feel physically sick.

"Kookie..." The werewolf huffs a quiet sigh and carefully bumps Jungkook a little higher onto his back when he starts to slip. "C'mon, bun, like I could ever stay mad at you. I won't apologise for getting upset back there, because I kinda feel like my reaction was justified, you know? But I'm sorry I yelled. You know it's only 'cause I worry about you, dude."

Jungkook's lips curl into a relieved smile, that hollow ache in his chest finally easing as he presses his face into Yugyeom's shoulder, arms curling around the werewolf's necks in a tighter sort of back-hug, a little too emotional to speak for a moment. He'd seriously been so worried about losing the trust of his oldest and dearest friend because of his own stupidity, but now he feels dumb for overthinking things (again) and assuming the worst. Of course Yugyeom would never throw their friendship aside over a little argument – he's way too sweet and forgiving.

"Love you," he mumbles into the wolf's shoulder, once the threat of actual tears has safely passed.

Yugyeom tilts his head back and to the side, a sort of backwards nuzzle against Jungkook's hair. "Love you too, stupid."

"You're stupid," Jungkook retorts without missing a beat.

Yugyeom bumps him up a little higher again. "Only 'cause I'm copying you, dumb-bun."

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