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I'm sorry in advance... but I have to share this and say what I feel...
Did you notice that Kinn asked for Porsche permission before he removed his trousers? He moved his head up and down asking P if he is Ok (if he allow him to unbutton his trousers), P answer was Yes when he touched K face with both of his hands and kissed him (you can rewatch the scene again and see it yourself) They communicate with unspoken words with feelings only and small gestures.
Porsche might be the bottom, but his the one always in control...
Porsche is Kinn little baby, he is ready to protect him till death, and it is not only words... Kinn almost died when he took that bullet for Porsche...
Talking about that! Can you imagine the amount of Fear, Pressure, Stress, and Struggle they have and must face every day just to Survive the day? And I mean literally just to Survive the day without any of them dies? (I can, coz I live it every day)
There, just There is where they only feel Safe... in this Place and this Moment...
The Place is their Bodies
The Moment is when they are Together Alone
And I'm not talking about s'ex only!
That place is when they are physically together (like when they were in the woods)
S'ex is only the high level of need for Safety
When Kinn was saying Porsche Porsche... he wasn't only screaming his name, he was breathing his name, he was telling him Porsche you are the air that I breathe...
No matter how hard they try to put limits and they decide to have a formal relationship, when they are together they are so weak towards one another and their feelings... it is like in that place and that moment of safety everything stops, the whole world around them vanish and what ever they decide is gone... the Passion, Love, Care and need for Safety has the final Word and always Wins... They are at their Own World where no one can Hurt them, where nothing else matters...
At the end of the scene that hug means everything, again the unspoken words were
That is why the series is called KinnPorsche La Forte... La Forte in french means Fortress, they are a very strong Fortress together, nothing can beat them
Ahhh and the mirror reflection of their souls, ghots and own demons (it is like all fear is stuck in that mirror, in another dimension, another world)
And Kinn tears... Ahhh his tears k'illed me, the way he was holding Porsche from behind and saying he is sorry... I can only imagine how hard it is for him to say that he is sorry... so glad that Porsche slapped him, it was a wake up slap for Kinn "I am Porsche not one of your s'luts"... Kinn so blinded by anger, rage and jealousy needed that to wake up... And the love confession from Porsche Ahhhh...
I swear I can write a book about this scene...
Not to mention the colors, the music, and cinematography...

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