ep 6 : welcome to jurassic world

Start from the beginning

"our ranch was in trouble," sammy turned to pace some. "so my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some shady people." kenya felt her anger slipping into sympathy for sammy's situation, but a part of her was still angry at the fact that she lied in the first place. "we didn't know they were fronting for mantah corp. they said we'd lose everything unless i spied for them. use the behind the scenes access i'd get at camp to gather info from wu's lab," kenya could see sammy pacing in her direction, holding herself and her voice filled with sadness. "and dna from dinos, and whatever else they needed." the two made brief eye, and kenya eyes widen to this, before she turned to brooklynn. "but then brooklynn caught on, and i got scared and then everything went wrong."

kenya watched her go to yasmina to explain herself. "this is the last thing i wanted to happen." the latter scoffed to this. "to be next to a broken van on killer dinosaur island? hey me too! what are the odds?" she sarcastically said in response. "yaz, i-" "was it all a lie, wanting to be friends?" kenyas' heart hurt to the pain in the track stars voice. "pretending you cared about.." kenya watched their interaction, seeing a tear escape sammy's eyes, and yasmina snapped. "you just needed some people to hide what you were doing. tell me i'm wrong."

sammy only responded in a sob, and kenya looked away right as yasmina turned to walk away while muttering "i'm such an idiot". kenya heard sammy chase after and deny that yasmina was wrong. "go away sammy." and with that, sammy then ran off with sobs escaping, and kenya looked back to her. she took a step in her direction, seeing that kenji at one point reunited with the others, and left the two girls now standing off to the side, but not together.

the others talked upon one another, and kenya slowly approached sammy. and with the call of her name, it was then did the indominus finally catch up. it roared, and ran to the campers. "sammy!" kenya shouted, grabbing the girl and was quick to tuck the two of them behind the van while darius and ben moved bumpy and the latter chanted "this is trash!" everyone was hidden behind the van, watching the dinosaur run off.

"what the heck?" darius asked, seeing the helicopter in the sky flying towards the dinosaur. it was shooting at the beasts, and kenji spoke up. "masrani's helicopter! that's his call sign on the tail!" "they're shooting at the indominus!" darius obviously pointed out, and everyone then followed after the fight.

they came to a stop near on a path, and a loud boom could be heard. "what was that?" brooklynn questioned, but kenji shouted over in favor of masrani. "yeah! kick its butt, masrani! we're saved! yeah baby! i told you," he smacked on darius' shoulder. "they've got this totally under-" but at that moment the chopper was then attacked and over ridden with dinosaurs which caused it to spiral to the glass dome with an explosion.

everyone flinched to the bright explosion, cowering away and saw that many winged dinosaurs took to the sky. "with those pteranodons loos, we're sitting ducks! we gotta take cover!"

kenji quickly snatched the tablet from brooklynn, kenya off to the side and watching the pteranodons flying out into the air. "the kayak river! the entrance is near here. it goes underground, beneath the ridges. if we follow it, it'll take us right to the main park." kenji told them, and darius quickly spoke up afterward. "then that's where we need to be. come on!" and then lead the group away from the flying dinosaurs coming their way.

kenya and the others began to run, quickly ducking in time to avoid a diving dinosaurs jaws. she did tumble some to the ground, but quickly got back to her feet with kenji's help. "come on!" he lead them to the right, the tablet in hand indicating they were close.

"hurry up!" kenya noticed yasmina now with the tablet, and running ahead, and saw a cave ahead with the sign "river adventure" on it. she turned back though to darius and bens cries of struggle, and saw the two collapsed with bumpy between them. she quickly came to a stop, turning back to them to hear the two boys trying to rush bumpy. "come on you guys!" she quickly picked the two up off the ground by their upper arms, standing them to their feet as bumpy got to her feet and ran ahead.

JWCC: y. fadoula x kon!oc x s. gutierrez UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now