Chapter VII

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I stand in an empty pristine white hallway as I take deep breaths in and out. 

I can't belive in doing this.

One of the most influential moments of my life is about to happen. I am about to meet Prince Nicholas of Illea. I smooth out my basil green gown and adjust the gold necklace I am wearing. I fiddle with my giant hoop earrings and I hesitate opening the door.

"Nervous too?" I hear a girl say from behind me.

"Hi, I'm Devina Johnson." She introduces herself. Her fair blonde hair was styled into a elegant braid with gold leaves attached to it. The delicate leaves match her dress, which is white with matching leaf accents with a sweetheart neckline. Her smile seems to be like a thousand warm hugs, comforting and assuring. 

"I'm Gwyneth. Nice to meet you. Where are you from?" I say to make some simple small talk to calm our nerves.

"I'm from Waverly. I'm a 3, my father is a doctor and my mother is a nurse. I'm studying to be a oncologist at the local medical university." She says as she nods. Woah, she's super smart. And not to mention has good looks as well. She could be a good candidate for the crown.

"Shall we go inside now?" She says. I nod and we open the doors together. The dining room is elegant. It's decorated with flowers and gold with portraits of the Royals and other Monarchs. It takes me a second to take it all in. 

"Hey! Over here Gwyn!" Says Wren, the girl from the airport. Her hair is styled into a half up and she has on a coral pink fitted gown. She looks absolutely stunning. 

"This place is insane! I haven't even seen half of it! But I just know it is." She says as she lets out a chuckle. 

"Well, I just need to find out where I sit for tonight. Could you show me?" I ask her. The table around us is enormous. It fits 35 girls, so naturally it's pretty big. But this table was also elegant. It was a clean white tablecloth, with tableware incrusted in gold with white, pink and red roses. I was taken to my chair by Wren who was sitting across from me and I was sited next to guess who? Farrah Lakes. The rude 2 from the photoshoot.

"Thought you had already been eliminated." She says with a chuckle. "They don't keep ugly girls around here very long."

"First of all, elimination hasn't even started. And this girl isn't ugly, she's beautiful and if you don't believe in that, the doors to the left and if you take a few turns, the exit out of the caste is right there. I'm sure someone can help you find your way. Okay? Alright, good." Says the girl. She  has dark skin with coily hair. Her red strapless dress complements her red lips beautifully.

"Ruby Collan. I'm from Kent. Isn't this crazy? I can't even fathom what is happening!" She says and we link arms and walk to our seats. We chat for a minute or two then are abruptly cut off by a staff banging on the floor.

It's him. It's Nicholas.

The royal family gracefully enters the room and everyone states in awe. Our minds are all thinking the same thing, "That could be us."

King Hunter is in his neat suit, with Queen July in her signature maroon dress and a bandeau tiara that glitters in the delicate lighting. Then, the moment we are all waiting for happens.

Prince Nicholas walks in. 

I hear faint gasps and whispers of "He's so dreamy." or, "He's so handsome." and the obvious, "I can't believe he's real!"

Then, Princess Adelaide walks in a sparkling coral gown. Her hair is straightened and tied up in a half up. She greets us all with a warm smile and heads over to her seat with her brother.

"Greetings, Daughters of Illea! Welcome to the Dining Room. Our dinners and breakfasts shall be held here. Tonight is a very exciting night for you all. I congratulate every single one of you. Let our first dinner together begin!" The king says and servants come out with silver platters. Sweet aromas  fill the room around us and we all breathe them in. A silver platter is put in from of me and a servant opens it up. Steam erupts around my face and finally reveals a turkey with tons of veggies around it.

"Wow. This is the most mouthwatering meal I have ever had. I wish my family was here to enjoy this with me." Says Devina, who sits next to me. Nothing could be more true about what she said. If my mom would've been here, it would've been the highlight of my day. To see her face light up when she sees the food would've been incredible. I gobble up the meal hastily. The flavors melt in my mouth. This is exquisite! We eat some more and are greeted with trays of 3 delicate desserts. One, a strawberry cake with vanilla mouse, strawberry lemon curd, and a passion fruit and orange pana-cotta, and a chocolate dome with ice cream on the inside. When taking my first bite of the aromatic strawberry cake, a dinging sound interrupts my bite.

"Greetings Daughters of Illea. As you know, I'm Prince Nicholas of Illea. I am ecstatic that you are all here. In this room, I hope to find my future queen of Illea. Now,  after our delicious dinner, we will be moving into a different room so I may meet you. You all seem like wonderful ladies, I simply can't wait to interact with you all."

A thousand thoughts rush into my head. I spiral into a tumult.

Me? Talk to him?! No. Way. I'll say something stupid and be speechless! Talking with a complete stranger is nerve wracking but when it's the prince?! No. Not me. 


Hi guys! Sorry about the extremely long wait. I've been busy with school and activities! Thanks for reading my new chapter. Hope you enjoy it!



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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