Chapter II

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Squeals fill my ears as my two best friends, Jennifer and Liana, also 4's hug me as we huddle together in my small living room upstairs the next day, reading our letters out loud to each other. We jump up and down excitedly. 

"Can you even believe this?! I- I can't at all!" Jennifer stuttered at the end due to the amount of exciting news. Which was understandable because of the energy surging in the room. After Liana finished reading her letter, we decided to part ways. The next day we headed to the town square for pictures on our applications. I decided on a floral maxi dress with delicate small blue flowers and slightly puffed sleeves. I begged my mother to let me use her foam curlers so my hair wasn't an eagle's nest. She only used these curlers a few times. One time was for special delivery to a special pair of 2's. Jack and Cali Drake, are two superstars. I got to come along as well. I was totally starstruck and froze up. Wait. Would that happen if I got chosen with the prince?

We headed down the square and it was flooded with girls from the ages of 16-20. The number of people was overwhelming. It took my mother and me a fair amount of time to find Liana and Jennifer. Liana's golden blonde ringlets were emphasized even more with her pale blue dress that matched her delicate eyes of the same color. Jennifer's face was dazzled with makeup that looked incredible. She wore a mini dress with a red pattern on it with lace accents. Her bright red lips matched the shade of red she wore on her dress. Her hair was tied in a simple, yet elegant ponytail with strands on the front. 

"Why, don't you girls look wonderful!" My mother said with adoration in her eyes.

"Thanks, Ms. Marissa. You look wonderful." There wasn't a time my mother didn't look stunning. Her hazel hair and electric green eyes and fair complexity are what I believe made my father fall for her. Well, besides being a compassionate and loving person.

"Kelli, Miranda, good to see you." She said to Jennifer and Liana's mom. They chatted for a second while u turned to my friends.

"Smile with my teeth," said Jennifer as she demonstrated to us. "or without? She demonstrated once again. 

"Personally, I like both, but it's up to you..." said Liana I drifted into my own world, thinking about the prince. Prince Nicholas was a handsome as can be. His caramel hair and melting chocolate eyes. From what I've seen on The Report, he seems so charming a friendly. I got in line and the most complex variety of girls I've ever seen. Some girls who had clearly been trying too hard and others seemed like they had to clue! Clearly, I had some sort of clue as to what was going on. 

We waited in line for a little longer and finally, it was my turn. I filled my mind with happy thoughts. Ones filled with gowns, my father and mother, my friends, exquisite flowers and dancing the night away in the arms of Prince Nicholas. And I smiled the brightest, biggest smile I've ever smiled. Why shouldn't I be smiling this big?

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