➰ Fitzward - Purrrrr ➰

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I purr (not intentionally- I think?) and he tells me stories about the SciTech academy and his childhood. I take notice to the fact he never mentioned his father once.

Daddy issues.

Fitz falls asleep just after eleven, his arms wrapped around me. I listen to the steady sound of his breathing as I lie awake.

I can take out enemy strike teams with no
issue whatsoever, but I can't admit to some scientist that I like him.

God this is so frustrating.

The crush part, and the cat part.

The next day, Fitz's POV
"Fitz, get up! You said you were going to make me a suit today!" Skye shouts as she bangs on my door, walking me up.

I forgot about that.

The new agent storms in -uninvited- and gasps in shock. I look up to see why.

Holy shit. I'm currently on top of Ward, who's in my bed. Ward is in my bed.

And I'm literally on top of him.

I freeze, having no clue whatsoever of what I should do. How did he get there? Why did he get there? This is confusing.

"Uh Fitz, did you hookup with Ward?" Skye asks, her mind absolutely brown.

"No!" I shout extremely defensively -why?- and way too loud. Ward opens his eyes.

He smiles like nothing is weird at all in this situation. "Morning Fitz."

"I'll leave you two lovebirds to whatever's going on." Before she can leave, Ward says her name in an extremely commanding way, and she stops in her tracks.

"If you tell anyone about this, I will make you get up at four am every day for training five times harder than you could possibly take at your level. Am I understood?"

"Yup," she nods frantically. "Understood."

She runs down the hall and Ward and I can't help but to chuckle a little. Focus.

"So Ward, I don't mean to come off as rude, but would you mind telling me how you stumbled in to my bed? And when?"

"Alright. A, you invited me, and B, while you were reading that math book."

I was reading that book last night, but the only 'person' who was in my room last night was- "Pumpkin? Why were you a cat?!"

"Well it wasn't on purpose! Raina turned me into one somehow on my mission."

Wait, so all of the things I said to Pumpkin, the most personal things in my life- that was Ward? And I kissed him?!

"Why didn't you just chase someone to a computer and type 'I am Ward?' by walking on the keys? I- I- I was telling you things that I don't want anyone else to know, and you just sat there, listening."

I storm out of my room, thankful for the first time that I was too tired to change out of my clothes last night. "Fitz, wait!"

I make it to the kitchen before he catches up with me. "Fitz, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry, or- or to trick you."

Did the Grant Ward just stutter? Wait, no. That doesn't matter. I'm mad.

"You still don't have the right to-"

Ward's POV
I kiss him. At first it was to shut him up, but now I realize that I've been waiting to do that for weeks, maybe months.

After about three seconds, however, Fitz pulls away, looking extremely confused.

I honestly can't tell what he's thinking, and I'm pretty sure he has no clue either.

"Do you like me Ward?" Okay, that was very direct. Play it cool.

"Obviously, that's why I kissed you." That was not the answer Fitz was looking for.

"No, like really like me. I can't just be your random hookup like May was."

The fact that he even thinks that's what he'd be maddens me. He is everything.

I grab his hands and pull myself closer to him. "Never," I reply simply.

He gets the message and nods, indicating that I can kiss him again.

This is the best day of my life.

A/n: Hey everyone!!! What are your thoughts? I've been okay with the amount of reads that I've got, but no one ever comments! 💕

Vote for more one-shots! ⭐️

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