➰ AOS TEAM - Monkey ➰

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This might actually be the weirdest order I've ever gotten. One single Capuchin.

Seriously, when people purchase monkeys, they're normally super rich, so they get four or five or whatever. But one?

Nobody has ever ordered just one.

Anyway, another thing, I'm getting paid extra to come to this remote location, put a red cloth over the cage, and present him.

Like he's some sort of prize.

That must be it. Unless it's sketchy black market animal fighting. That's always an option. Even with the background check.

Was there even a background check?

The email was pretty suspicious. Send your most trustworthy seller, someone who's nice, and is good at listening.

I'd like to think I'm those things, but I know the real reason why Peterson gave me this job. He's hated me ever since I refused to pimp myself out to the male buyers.

Now I'm paying the price, driving in some sketchy field in the middle of nowhere.

I hope the big pay check is worth it.

The music from the radio cut out a long time ago, but my phone was playing music just fine. Now my phone's dead. Great.

I should think of the positives. This is a new experience, and whoever this is has got to give me a good review. And, with this money I could buy a new phone with better battery, and storage, and cameras.

See, it's not so bad.


A black dot appears in the distance.

Well, it's not actually a black dot, but it's a building, or whatever I'm getting myself into. It could also be a huge truck.

No, it's a plane. A very large, secretive, evil, black plane staring at me from afar.

I pull up to the black monstrosity of a jet and the ramp opens. I see a black truck, an old red car, and a man in a suit.

The man is wearing the cheesy glasses that people put on in spy movies- which makes all of this even more strange.

I get out of the car with caution, but not too slowly that he thinks I'm crazy.

That is, assuming he's not crazy.

Which he probably is and I'm most likely going to die. But a girl can dream.

"Hello. Veronica, right? The name's Phil Coulson, you have a monkey for me."

"Yup, one baby Capuchin." I stand there awkwardly before blurring my feelings out. "You're not going to hurt him, right?"

"Excuse me?" He questions.

"The monkey. Because if you do, I'll call the cops and you'll be charged with animal abuse and whatever else you're doing."

"Well Veronica, you're incredibly wrong, but I gotta admire your guts."

"Shit. You're a cannibal, too." I back up.

"Wait what? No. Ah, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I am definitely not the kind of guy who hurts animals, nor am I a cannibal. I work for SHIELD, and that monkey is a present for someone on my team."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I thought-"

"That the email I sent was sketchy and the location was even worse? Yeah, I see now how that might have been a problem."

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