➰ MAY - The Threat ➰

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Coulson's POV (pre s2)
The room is hot in Tanzania- there's barely any AC in the hotel, which is actually more of a hut. I could have easily found a place to stay in the main area of town, but I have to stop spending money. Someone'll notice.

I wish I could tell the team what I'm doing, especially May, but I can't risk it. They'll think I'm crazy, what if I am crazy?

No, I'm not. I just need to figure this out. Once I know what the symbols mean, it will stop. Everything will be fine again.

My phone starts ringing and I assume it's another checkup from May, since there are only two people in the world who have this number- but I'm wrong. It's Maria.

Does she know something about GH.325? What it's been doing to me? Calm down Coulson, she couldn't possibly know.

I answer. "Hey Maria, enlighten me about the purpose of this unexpected call."

"I wish I had time for jokes today Phil- but I don't. This is a serious matter."

"I apologize," Pause. "What's going on?"

"I've received a call from who I could only assume is HYDRA, today." Shit.

"They're coming after my sister."

"Nessa? Why would they do that?"

"For intel, or money, possibly. Even Grant Ward passed my mind." Double shit.

"You think they want him back? He may be higher in their ranks than we thought?"

"That's what I'm worried about."

"And you called me because you want help securing her? My team can do that."

"Thank you Phil, I'll send you her address on our secured line, her work too, just in case she's there. I appreciate this."

"Of course, I'll let you know when she's safe. Hopefully our next call will be a much more pleasant one. Stay safe Maria."

"You too, Coulson." She hangs up first, like always. Though she's keeping that up, she sounded scared. I have to get on this.

I call May immediately to sort this out. She is going out with a few agents soon.

Why would HYDRA target Vanessa Hill of all people? Something isn't adding up.

5 hours later, Vanessa's POV
For whatever reason morning I decided to
walk to work, which I regret now, because that means I have to walk home.

I love walking, I do, but my phone died this morning, meaning I can't listen to music. I also did a lot standing today.

All afternoon I was planning an incredible birthday party, and I have to say, it's by far some of my best work. My client paid me extra for my hard work. A lot extra.

The man seemed very familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen him before. He's probably the owner of some really big oil
company, who's been on the news.

Anyway, I just finished the drink he got me (he brought us coffee after the planning), and throw up in my mouth a little.

The drink was absolutely disgusting, but he said it was an old family recipe and I didn't want to make him sad. I also really needed the extra cash he gave me- for rent.

My sister has offered multiple times to pay it for me- but I always decline her offer. I chose to live somewhere expensive to get my dream job, I'm going to pay for it.

The trees around me are multicoloured- I'm assuming for Christmas, but they look very strange. And they're moving, too.

Today must be my lucky day, because a taxi appears right in front of me, without having to wave it down for a while.

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