➰ Fitzward - Purrrrr ➰

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Ward's POV
It's gotten dark outside, so no one will be able to see me out here- not like this. I don't fully know how it happened, but I've been turned into a cat. A tiny, helpless cat.

I feel absolutely humiliated, but most of all, freezing cold. It's probably 23 degrees (f) and I don't feel like getting hypothermia.

Stupid Raina and her weird-ass potions, or whatever the hell turned me into this.

I walk on all fours (feels so strange) to the hangar door, which is unsurprisingly shut. Even if I could get someone to open it, they wouldn't let some random-

"Oh my god, Simmons look!" I hear Fitz's voice behind me. I turn around.

"A Bombay cat, how adorable. I haven't seen one of those in a while."

"How'd it get all the way out here?"

"Not sure, but the poor thing looks cold. We should bring him in." Fitz nods and picks me up, engulfing me in his arms.

A purring sound comes out of my mouth.

"Aw, I think he likes you," Simmons states. No fucking shit. Damn cat body.

He pets my head and then kisses the same spot. "I guess it was meant to be that we found him then, isn't it?"

"What should we name him?"

"Well, he's a Bombay, so maybe something
Halloween-y?" Fitz proposes.

"How about pumpkin? An adorable name for an adorable kitten." Kitten?

"Do you like that name?" Fitz asks me.

I try to hit him with my tail to signify 'no' but it ends up more like me caressing him.

"It's settled then. Come on Pumpkin, let's go meet the team. They'll love you."

"Thank god Ward's on that mission, he'd
make us leave him out here." Obviously, there could be a hidden microphone.

I've checked everywhere- several times.

Simmons turns on her coms. "Okay Skye, we're back." The door opens for the three of us, and the warmth is a nice change.

"Oh my gosh. Where did you get that super insanely cute kitty cat?" Skye asks quite excitedly. Oh god, not her.

"Yeah, where did you get it?" May sounds less pleased- like someone reasonable.

"We found him all alone outside the bus," Jemma answers honestly.

"We named him Pumpkin!" Fitz adds.

"I really don't think you should-"

"It's settled then," Coulson interrupts the retired specialist. "We'll keep him."

May gives him the death stare, but he just ignores it. Worked out well for me.

"Well," Fitz starts. "I'm tired from the trip, so I'm going to turn in. Night everyone."

He leaves the room, and minutes later, so does everyone else. Somehow there was cat food in the pantry, so at least I got fed.

I do a cat-like strut down the halls and find myself in the bunks. I want to go in mine, but I locked it before I left. The only two people I know who don't lock theirs are Simmons and Fitz. No, no, no, no, no.

You know you want to. A voice says in my head. He won't know it's you.

I nudge open the door awkwardly with my face to find a very-awake Fitz, reading.

"Such a smart cat Pumpkin, being able to find my room like that." He walks over and picks me up for the second time.

He brings me over to his bed and lays down, subbing out the book for cat me.

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