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Trans Yahaba Au
'I'll support you, even if no one else will'
hurt to comfort, angst, and fluff
Tw: none

Fun fact: I actually strongly headcanon Kyou as trans and that is the reason kyou looks up to iwa, because I also strongly headcanon iwa as trans as well.

Kyoutani and Yahaba were hanging out at Kyou's house for the weekend. "Hey Kyou?" Yahaba questioned. "Yes, Shigeru?" He answered. "If I were to idk come out to the team Monday, would you help me tell them?" Yahaba asked. Kyou was kinda taken back by this question. "Yes ofc I would, Shigeru. Where did this question even come from? Are you planning to tell the team?" Kyou asked.

"I was thinking about it, but I didn't know how I would tell or if I could do it by myself," Yahaba answered. "Yahaba, you don't have to do it alone," he said. "Thanks Kyou," Yahaba said. The next day Yahaba brought up going to his parents and coming out to them. "Yahaba do you want to?" "Yes, and as soon a possible" Yahaba answered honestly.

"Then let's go now it's not that far of a walk," Kyou said. Yahaba nodded and the both walked out of his room and to the living area where Kyoutani's mom was. "Hey mom we are going to stop by Yahaba's real quick," Kyou said "ok just don't stay out to late alright, be back before it gets dark if y'all decide to stay out longer, ok?" His mom stated. "Yes ma'am," Kyou said putting on his shoes (you know damn well that man respects his mother prove me otherwise).

They walked out the house and started to Yahaba's house. When they got there they walked in, took off their shoes, and Yahaba called out. "Mom.... dad.... are y'all home?" He walked into the kitchen to find a note in the fridge. Probably there incase he came home for something 'We went out and won't be back till 3pm,' the note read. "Oh ok well that's a bust," he said out loud.

"What is?" A voice from behind him said. Which caused him to scream and jump up in the air a little. He whirled around to see Kyoutani. "Jesus fucking christ Kyou," Yahaba said. "Sorry I scared you, darling" Kyoutani said trying not to laugh. "Yeah yeah whatever," Yahaba said rolling his eyes. "Anyway my parents won't be back till 3pm so we have..." Yahaba spoke, he then looked at the clock that read 11:30am, "about 3 hours till they get back. "What are we supposed to do?" Kyou asked. "We could call the team to hang out?" Yahaba suggested. "We could couldn't we," Kyou said.

They called the team and they hung out for those 3 hours and when it was time for Yahaba to go. Yahaba suggested that they come back to his house because he has something to tell them as well as his parents. They got back to the house Yahaba introduced his parents to his friends and his friends to his parents. They all sat in the living area. "So what was this about Yahaba?" Oikawa questioned.

Yahaba had regret immediately flush over him. He leaned it towards Kyou and whispered, "I don't think I can do this what if they don't support me," Yahaba said. "Shigeru I think it's a little late to turn back. Plus if they don't if they don't support you oh well. I'll support you, even when no one else will, you got this," Kyoutani whispered back. Yahaba nodded his head.

" I have been thinking about this since before I started high school I just never had the heart to tell you because I was scared, but I'm trans. And I would like it if you started calling me Shigeru instead of *deadname*," Yahaba said.

"Wait you weren't born a guy? Kindaichi questioned. Yahaba shook his head in disagreement. "Ok, is there anything else you would like to tell us or is that it?" Yahaba's mom asked. "That's it," Yahaba said. "Cool, how about we all go get dinner to celebrate. Kyoutani dear would you and your mom like to come too?" Yahaba's mom stated. "Sure I think my mom would like a day off from cooking," Kyou answered. All of Yahaba's fears and worries washed away like they were never there.

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