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Trans Bo Au
'I'll fight for you'
Tw: transphobia, violence and cursing

Bokuto Koutarou a 3rd year in high school dating Akaashi Keiji a 2nd year in high school. Bo came out as trans in 3rd year of middle school. He has dealt with the transphobic bullies here and there but didn't care he was comfortable with who he is. He and Akaashi normally meet up to walk home together in the afternoons. Bo got there earlier than usual so he waited on a bench near the exit. He was to focused on his phone to see a group on kids walking up to him.

"Well well well, isn't it the owl who thinks she's a boy," one of the boys in the group said. Bo looked up and then back at his phone, not really giving a shit. "Hey, I was talking to you," the same boy said. Bo looked at the group again and said, kinda confused, "oh you were, but I thought you were just talking about me not to me?" It sounded more sarcastic then he meant it to sound. "Oh so you think you're smart and all, don't you *deadname*~" the boy said. As much a he could brush it off his deadname always got to him. He hated that name. "Shut up," he spat with hatred in his tone. "Oh so that's what pisses you off," the boy responded, with this evil smirk on his face. The group gave the same smirk back. All at once the start saying his deadname over and over and over again. He covered his ears but it didn't block out the voices.

Then all of a sudden they stopped and there was a scream and then yelling. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" Another person in the group yelled. "YEAH WTF YOU COULD HAVE HURT SOMEONE, YOU FUCKING IDIOT?!?!" Another yelled. "That was the god damn point, stupid, but your little ringleader dodged the damn rock so it didn't," a very very familiar voice said. Bo uncovered his ears and raised his head to see his 'Kaashi holding a huge rock and looking very pissed. "Now I'll give you two options: #1, you stop being transphobic to my boyfriend or #2, I throw this other rock, and this time I won't miss," Akaashi said, so seriously it scared Bo. And with that the group ran off out of the school gate. Akaashi dropped the rock and ran towards Bo.

"Are you ok?!" Akaashi said, all the anger he had has now disappeared into worry and concern. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks to you," Bo answered. "But why did you try and fight that battle? What if you didn't hit one of them and they came after you?! What would i do then I couldn't win against any of them," Bo said now also concerned. Akaashi crouched down to look Bo in the eyes, he put his hand on Bo's face. "Bokuto Koutarou, listen to me when I say this I don't care if I put myself in danger if it's for you, I'll fight for you, no matter the cost. I love you more then I love myself and if I had to choose your safety or mine I would pick yours no matter what, ok? If it wasn't you I wouldn't take such a risk. I don't expect you to do anything, I could have probably handled my own anyway against them," Akaashi said. "For you and only you," Akaashi said, pressing his forehead against Bo's.

A/n:Akaashi for the win 😁
Also I didn't post yesterday because I wasn't feeling well so yeah I'm posting it today

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