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Trans Shira Au-
'Don't tell HIM what HE needs to be!!'
Tw: transphobia

"Kenjiro you don't have to do this if you don't want to you know, it's not to late to turn back and never come back," Semi said to the boy next to him. "It's fine it has to be done eventually right?," he responded. Shira took a breath and stepped up, knocked on the door, and stepped back. The door was answered by his older brother (i actually looked up if he was an only child to see if I could add canon siblings in it ngl). "Kenjiro," the boy said blankly. B/n (boy name)," Shira said in the same blank tone.

"Oh you brought the thing," he said looking at semi. Shira shot him a glare. "You know mom and dad only wanted you to come, yk by yourself," he said letting them in. "Well to bad," Shira said, while taking off his shoes. Semi did the same. "Where is mother and father anyway?" Shira questioned. "In there office upstairs," he responded, walking away. "I hate him," semi whispered to Shira as they walked upstairs. "You hate everyone in my family," Shira whispered back. Semi couldn't argue, so he just shrugged his shoulders. They reached the office.

"Yk it's still not to late for us run," semi said. "Eita I have to do this, I need to settle things with them once and for all," Shira responded. "Ok but just know I'm here for you if anything goes downhill alright?" Semi responded. Shira nodded and then knocked on the office door. "Come in," a female voice, his mother, said. Shira open the door and walked in, with semi trailing behind him. "*deadname* I'm glad you decided to come," his dad said, then noticed semi. "Oh, you're here," he said he sounded disappointed. Then it seemed like a light bulb went off.

"Actually this is perfect," he said changing his tone. "What did you want from me?" Shira asked, sounding cold. "I have an offer for you," his dad stated. "What kind?" Shira questioned, in the same tone. "If you drop the act of thinking your a boy, drop this no good musician, and marry R/n (random name) to join companies, I'll let you come back to the here and you'll inherent your share of the fortune when I died," his dad said. "Think about it, you don't have to live in that 2 bedroom apartment, all of your needs will be full and you get to live the life you deserve," his mom stated.

Semi didn't really worry much, if is there one thing that he knew is that his Kenjiro wouldn't go back to that life even if someone paid him a million dollars. "No," Shira said in that blank tone from earlier, with his brother. "What?!" Both his parents exclaimed. "But you'll have everything you'll ever need here," his mom said. "No I won't. I won't have someone who loves me, someone who cares about me, someone who accepts me, none of that, so no I will not take this offer. I may live in a small apartment right now, Eita's music career might not have taken off yet, and I may be in a little debt rn for college, but at least I have Eita, who would do anything for me," Shira said turning around and started to walk out the door with semi in front of him.

But before Shira could walk out the door and before semi could react, Shira's dad grabbed his wrist and pulled him back and closed and locked the door. He ended up hurting Shira in the process, making Shira slightly whine in pain. Then grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw his back against the wall and lifting his feet off the ground a little, this caused Shira to yell out in pain. "I am your father you hear me, you are going to as I say and be who I say you are going to be, understand," he said.

Right after he said that the door burst open and in walked a very pissed off Semi. Shira's dad ended up letting go of Shira causing him to fall on the floor, causing more pain. "Listen here, I don't care who you are, if you KENJIRO'S dad or just some jerk, but you are going to get away with hurting HIM!!" Semi yelled. "Also who the hell are you to tell HIM what to do?!" Semi yelled at him, in his face. "Don't tell HIM what HE needs to be!! Just because you are HIS father don't mean shit!!"

Semi got out of his face and went to Kenjiro and picked him up bridel style. "Don't contact him again or I will press charges," semi said as he walked out of the office, went downstairs set Shira down put his shoes on then put his own on, picked him back up and walked out of that hell. "Thank you Eita," Shira said softly. He was tired as it was from school, this visit and getting injured didn't help. "Anything for you, my love," semi responded. (Imaging semi call you 'my love', I'm dead, that man has officially killed me).

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