Chapter Eleven

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The next day Josie ran out off bed after only a few hours of sleep. She ran to the bathroom vomiting again. Lizzie tumbled out of bed after her sister, "Jo are you throwing up again?" Josie gave Lizzie a pointed look, pointing out the obvious answer of her situation. "Are you pregnant or something?" Lizzie half joked knowing Josie only vomits on long car trips.

Josie broke away from the toilet, giving Lizzie a serious look. Lizzie took the look as, 'How? Why would you say something like that?' but that wasn't what Josie was trying to say, when she saw her sister put her hands up surrendering. "No you idiot, I could be. I'm late", Josie said trying to realise her situation. "But how? Who?" Lizzie asked knowing it wouldn't be possible for Hope to impregnate her sister.

"Hope obviously. I've been completely loyal to her for the two years we've been together and before that. I let her wolf...", Josie said slowly realising what has happened. "You let her wolf what? Actually I don't want to know", Lizzie said disgusted. "I need a pregnancy test. NOW!" The brunette screamed. "Okay I'll get MG to go into town", Lizzie said running to grab her phone, from the bedroom. "No I don't want anyone to know. Not yet", Josie said loudly so her sister heard her from outside the bathroom.

"Okay we'll go now, I'll go grab the car keys meet me at the car", Lizzie said stressing, rushing to her room grabbing her car keys.

"Okay are you ready?" Lizzie asked. "I don't know. There's a lot to think about. Like how. What the kid could be supernaturally speaking. If I'm even pregnant of course. Then there's... Hope", Josie said the last part sadly. "It's okay you'll figure this out. And the kids favourite aunt will be here the whole time", Lizzie said with a kind smile that Josie returned.

"Okay I think I'm ready", Josie said getting off Hope's bed, walking to the bathroom to read the test results. Josie did this on her own she needed to and she knew that, she closed the door behind her. "You got this", Josie said to herself shaking a little. Picking up the pregnancy test, Josie felt her heart fall out of her chest. Josie slide to the fall crying into her hands, Lizzie heard her sister crying and ran into the bathroom.

"Is it positive?" Lizzie asked. Josie hummed 'yes' through her sobs. "It's okay we'll find Hope. We'll do a locator spell. We'll figure this all out", Lizzie tried to reassure Josie, but was low key panicking. "I've already tried. When you went to talk to MG... I did a locator spell. She's clocking herself. It's strong", Josie admitted. "We'll ask her family. We can go to New Orleans", Lizzie suggested.

Josie got up and washed her face, washing her tears away. "Nope Hope made it clear to stay away from her family. I have a plan", Josie said walking out of the bathroom. Lizzie looked at Josie like she was crazy, "Look as happy as I am that you are now carrying my little niece or nephew, I think we should try and contact Hope", Lizzie said worried for her sister, as she tried to catch up with her.

"No! You know what she said to me. It's not my fault that she's too stubborn for her own good. I'm going to get my own place and raise this child on my own", Josie said storming to her moms office. Lizzie rolled her eyes at her own sisters stubbornness, chasing after her arguing with her.

"Josie is everything okay?" Caroline asked as she heard her brunette daughter arguing with her blonde one on their way over. "Yes everything is amazing. Hope and I broke up", Josie blurted out, Caroline gasped at the news. "It's okay I'm over it, but I'm pregnant with her child. So I need your help to get my own place to raise him or her." Josie said sounding like a crazy person, while Lizzie and Caroline looked at Josie like she was a crazy person. As Caroline was also trying to put everything together, still confused.

"What I have a child to consider now. I'm not going to cry over Hope anymore", Josie shouted accidentally. "Sorry I don't mean to sound so aggressive. I need to get out of this school. I need to get out now I feel like I can't breath, I see Hope every corner I turn... it hurts", Josie said beginning to cry again.

Caroline hugged Josie tightly, "It's okay. You can stay at our old house in town, how does that sound? We can re paint it and put new furniture in it", Caroline suggested. Josie lifted up her red teary face, "Yes I'd like that very much. Can we go now, I feel like these walls are about to close in on me, I can't breath."

Authors note: Sorry for another filter chapter. Next chapter will go back to the present time.

My Expiration Date Gave Me A Reason To Let Me Love You - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now