Chapter Five 🔞🥵

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Authors note: This chapter and the next chapter contain smut.

Josie hummed 'yes' in response to Hope, confirming that Josie wants Hope's wolf to have her way with her right now. Hope's eyes turned to their natural wolf state of a bright yellow. Hope raised her eyebrows at her girlfriend wanting something from her. "Words Jo. I want you to use your words", Hope reminded her girlfriend sounding more huskier. Josie's voice was caught in her throat from seeing Hope like this.

Hope started taking steps closer to the brunette, backing Josie up until her back hit the door. Josie let out a wanting whimper. "Yes right now", Josie finally spoke sounding desperate. Hope smirked at this, she put her mouth onto Josie's neck sucking it until she was pleased with the marks she had left. Meanwhile Josie's mouth was hanging open letting out little cries of pleasure.

Hope brought her mouth to Josie's, kissing her lips until air was needed. When Hope was kissing Josie, Josie finally came to her senses about what was about to go down... or more like who is. Josie began letting her hands travel Hope's body freely, feeling her curves with her fingertips. Making her way to Hope's abs, one of Josie's favourite places to touch on Hope's body. Josie began caressing Hope's abs, which in return got Hope whimpering into their heated kiss.

Breaking away from the kiss Hope looked down at Josie's hands, seeing them on her abdomen. Hope picked Josie up pushing her up against the door, which then led Josie to wrap her legs around Hope's waist. Hope looked up at Josie with her bright yellow eyes, and Josie looked down at Hope with her brown eyes, this was a mutual agreement of how far things could go in the next few hours or more.

Hope brought her mouth to Josie's kissing her hungrily, Josie's tongue began asking for entrance and Hope gladly accepted, but not without taking dominance first. Josie began grinding down on Hope's abdomen needing some friction, to soothe her arousal. Hope let this happen a few times, before she put her hand on Josie's waist stopping her movements. This let a groan escape Josie's lips, before she pulled away from the kiss to speak.

"Please", Josie begged Hope with her signature pout. Hope raised her eyebrows in question, "Please what?" She asked knowing exactly what her girlfriend wants. "Please fuck me senseless", Josie asked innocently. Hope was taken aback she didn't expect her girlfriend to say something so bluntly, but she ignored it knowing she's the dominant one in this relationship and she'll fuck Josie senseless whenever she's ready too.

Hope moved back to Josie's neck leaving open mouth kisses. In response Josie started unbuttoning her blouse to give Hope some more neck room to work with. Hope gladly accepted this help with one of her hands occupied holding Josie up onto her, and the other holding Josie down to stop her from causing friction that Hope can give to her herself.

Moving her open mouthed kisses lower and lower Hope finally managed to reach Josie's upper breast, while Josie was letting out little whimpers, still trying her best to get some friction from on top of Hope, but was unfortunately unsuccessful from her girlfriends strength. "Finish taking your blouse off for me", Hope demanded with a husky voice. Josie immediately felt a pool of wetness consume her, but did what she was told, to get her arousal taken care of as quickly as possible.

Hope was practically drowling over Josie watching her take her blouse off, and Josie noticed. Looking down into Hope's eyes after throwing her blouse onto the floor, Josie smirked. "Hope you're drowling", Josie giggled biting her lip, she loved seeing her girlfriend react like this when she did something so simple. Josie brought her finger to Hope's lip wiping away a little drowl that had come out of Hope's mouth. Hope was a little embarrassed, but her wolf was in charge and wouldn't let her be.

Hope growled at Josie but not in a scary way, in a sexy dominant way if that's even a thing. This turned Josie on more and she really tried to grind down on Hope but it was no use. Hope brought her mouth onto the crest of Josie's breast again, unclasping her bar with her hand that was placed on Josie's back. As Josie's bra fell of her shoulders and was hanging on her arms, Hope immediately went crazy and latched her lips onto Josie's nipple sucking and nibbling on the nerve. This let a loud gasp out of Josie's mouth not expecting Hope to do this, her gasp then turned into soft moans.

My Expiration Date Gave Me A Reason To Let Me Love You - Hosieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن