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The next day, there was another incident and Liana says, "I can't believe they did this

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The next day, there was another incident and Liana says, "I can't believe they did this. I mean, it took me two hours to get here with the monorail down. Who would do this to you?" Liana sees DA Sacks and she continues to say, "And the scavengers have already started circling. District Attorney Ray Sacks my pet research project." Clark says, "Since when is a veteran DA newsworthy?" Liana says, "Since his Christmas-card roster reads like a Soprano's hit list. I call him "Sacks-ophone" 'cause he loves to blow his own horn!" They walk up the car that was vandalized with Clark's symbol and Clark says, "Liana, I can't help but think there's more to this story than people are seeing." Liana says, "Yeah, I know. I just have this feeling that who's ever doing this isn't really trying to hurt anyone." Clark nods and says, "Chloe thinks that their trying to help me." Liana says, "I mean, that would make sense. Maybe their trying to get your attention." Clark says, "But why?" Liana says, "That's what we need to find out." They then hear someone say, "Alright. That's a frequency test. Get in line..." Liana says, "I spy with my little eye a potential witness." Liana walks over to the witness. Later, Liana goes to Watchtower because Clark found the imposters. Liana and Chloe hide in the shadows, and they wake up. Zan says, "Whoa, what the..." Jayna says, "Where are we?" They stand up and Jayna continues to say, "How did we even get here?" Zan says, "It had to have been The Blur." Jayna says, "No, come on, Z. There's no way." Zan says, "Think about it. Who else could have stopped us? This is The Blur's lair." Jayna says, "He doesn't have a lair." Zan says, "I'm telling you; this tech is definitely off the grid. Oh, wait until I tweet everybody about this." Chloe says, "That's not gonna happen. Welcome to Watchtower. And if you chat one word about what you see in here, I will vaporize your Twitter accounts, Facebook pages. Every trace of your virtual existence will be obliterated." Liana and Chloe walk forward, and Jayna says, "Holy hacking. You can do that?" Chloe nods and Jayna says, "Our tweets are totally sealed." Zan says, "Code of silence all the way." Jayna says, "So, who are you two?" Zan says, "It's the Blur's sidekicks." Jayna says, "We don't know that." Liana says, "Not exactly, we're doing pro bono for The Blur and keeping an eye on you two." Jayna says, "Wait! You're not gonna hand us over to the cops, are you?" Zan smiles and says, "We just wanted to help fuel The Blur's legend." Liana walks forward and says, "Okay, about the helping, right idea, wrong execution." Chloe says, "Look, I've been where you guys are. I get it. You're just a couple of mega fans who really want to make a difference, but you are single-handedly destroying what The Blur stands for." Jayna says, "We know we've make some mistakes." Zan says, "How can we make up for what we've done?" Liana says, "You just wait for the right moment. You'll know." Jayna says, "So, The Blur trusts you two, right? I mean, how do you always know the right thing to do?" Liana says, "You don't. And neither does he. But you stick around a hero long enough and you get your share at saving him. Sometimes even from himself." Liana makes the twins a cup of coffee and Chloe says, "So, how did you guys end up on the street?" Jayna says, "Oh, for a long time now, we've only had each other. So..." Zan messes with one of the computers and says, "Nobody really bought us as transfer students from Sweden." Chloe rushes over to Zan and says, "Whoa, careful with computer. It's very delicate. Just don't touch anything, okay?" Zan steps away from the computer and says, "Sorry."

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