First snow of the winter.

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Who requested: XxB33_B0YxX

Type: Fluff

Description: Tubbo and Tommy wake up to see it's snowing, they both get excited and get everyone else so that they can all go outside and play in the snow together.

[This takes place when Tubbo and Tommy are 7-8, and Wil and Techno are 14-15]

Tubbo stirred awake, and slowly sat up rubbing his eyes. He opened his eyes and climbed off of the bunk bed he shared with Tommy, stretching and adjusting his eyes to the light. He walked over to the window, and saw it. It was snowing! Tubbo got super excited by this, he loved snow! So he ran over to the bunk bed and climbed up to Tommy's bunk, shaking him a little bit.

"Tommy, Tommy! It's snowing!," He whisper yelled. Tommy rolled over to face Tubbo with a half smile on his face since he was still half asleep.

"Come on Tommy get up! Let's go wake up Wilbur and Techno!," Tubbo said practically buzzing with how excited he was. Tubbo climbed off of Tommy's bunk and ran over to the window again.

Tommy climbed off the bunk bed and yawned a bit. Tubbo ran over to Tommy, and they both tiptoed down the hall to Wilbur's room. Tommy, now being more awake was excited as well, so he creaked over Wilbur's door, and walked in quietly shutting the door once Tubbo walked in as well.

Tommy and Tubbo climed up on Wil's bed, and shook him a little bit.

"Wil, Wil wake up!," Tommy whisper yelled.

"What?," Wilbur said not even opening his eyes.

"Wil it's snowing, look!," Tubbo said, shaking Wil more. Wilbur turned his head to look out his bedroom window, and once his eyes adjusted to the light he could see that it in fact, was snowing.

"Come on Willlll, help us wake up Techno, and Phil," Tommy said trying to pull wil out of the bed.

"Okay, okay, give me a minute toms," Wilbur mumbled sitting up. Tommy and Tubbo just backed up and waited for Wil to stand up. Once Wilbur was more awake they all walked down to Techno's room.

This time Wilbur opened the door, and woke up Techno so that Tubbo and Tommy didn't shake him awake. Once they were all awake they went to wake up Phil who told them that he was going to go make breakfast, and after they ate they could go play outside.

Tommy and Tubbo whined a little bit since they wanted to go outside now, but were excited anyways since Wilbur said he would help them build a snowman later.

While Phil and Techno went downstairs, Techno following Phil since he said he could help. Wil, Tommy, and Tubbo all went to get changed out of their pajamas, and then played a couple rounds of Mario kart together before Phil called them down to eat.

After they were done eating Tommy, ane Tubbo put on their coats and shoes, and went outside, Wilbur and Techno following soon after. Phil saying he would be out once he finished his coffee.

Tommy and Tubbo made snow angels, and tried catching snowflakes on their tounges, while Wilbur and Techno started a snowball fight. Then, a snowball hit Tommy, and so he and Tubbo joined in the snowball fight, and so did Phil once he finally was outside.

They stayed outside for around an hour, before the snowball fight ended, Techno and Phil going inside since they were cold. Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo building a snowman like Wilbur had promised. And when they all went inside, changed, and then they had some hot chocolate and watched Home Alone together, before they all eventually fell asleep. It was a good day.

I hope this is what you wanted :]

♡♡♡ - Clove

[635 words]

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