Boo ♡

143 6 3

Who requested: No one

Type: Fluff, [a tiny bit of angst, but it's mostly fluff.]

Description: The cricket crew is playing games, and Ranboo ends up slipping. This causes him to panic a bit since the only one who knows about his regression is Billzo, and he is scared the others will judge him.

Little - Ranboo

Caregiver - Billzo

Babysitter -  Aimsey, Freddy, Tubbo

Flip - Tommy


Ranboo - Little one, Love, Baby, Boo

Billzo - Zo

Aimsey - Sey

Tubbo - Bo

Tommy - Toms, Bug, Baby

Freddy - Dee

I do not know Aimsey pronouns, this chapter will use she/her pronouns for Aimsey. If this is wrong please let me know and I will correct it.

[I do not know Freddy or Aimsey's personality very well. So if this is not how they act, or if they seem weird, I am sorry. I am trying tho, so if I mess up pls forgive me. ;^;]


[No one POV]

"HELL YEAH!," Tommy screamed as he raced into first place.

"TOMMY YOU ASSHOLE," Billzo screamed as he had players zoom past him, Tommy hit him with a blue shell. Tubbo, Freddy, and Aimsey were just dying of laughter while trying to get to first place.

However, Ranboo was not laughing he was zoned out in his own world, he was staring at the game on the screen, but he just couldn't focus.

[Ranboo POV]

I was staring off into space when I felt someone bump my shoulder.

"Ranboo you okay big man? You were kinda staring at the wall," Tommy said.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just zoned out I guess," I said and started trying to focus on the game. After the round was over Billzo and Tommy were play fighting. Everyone else was laughing at their shenanigans, but Ranboo wasn't laughing, he was just zoned out.

Billzo looked over at where Ranboo was sitting, he was just staring at the wall again. Something was wrong, Billzo knew this. While Billzo was distracted, Tommy pushed him a little bit too hard, and made him fall.

Ranboo heard the sound of someone falling and got scared. He felt a fuzziness start fogging up his mind. He stood up, and walked out of the room. No one noticed that Ranboo had left the room.

Ranboo was now on the floor in the bathroom. His eyes were filled with tears making his eyes sting. He didn't know why he started crying he just did. It was like something was wrong, but he didn't know what. He tried to stop himself from going small the whole time because he didn't wanna feel like a bother to Bill because he knew that the rest of then didn't know. He was scared to tell them though, he didn't want then to hate him.

At this point Ranboo was sitting on the floor in a little ball. He was shaking a little bit, and he was just crying. He was scared to leave the bathroom floor.

Back in the living room Tubbo pointed out how Ranboo wasn't in the room. Everyone was a little bit concerned, but thought he'd just gone to the bathroom. Billzo knew better, he said he'd be back, and he left the room. Billzo knocked on the bathroom door, and heard a very quiet shaky sob.

"Boo, it's just Zo, can I come in love?" He then saw the door open a enough for him to come in. Bill sat down next to the crying little on the floor, and closed the door. When Billzo sat next to him Ranboo immediately clinged to him, and began crying more.

"Hey hey, you're okay love, I'm here, I've got you okay? Can you tell me what's wrong?" Bill said softly.

"M tried not to sip, betaus didn' wana be a boter to Zo n' was scaed betaus tey nu know abou Boo is littls. N' m scaed tey hae mes," Ranboo said clinging to Bill, and taking shaky breaths between his words.

[Translation for those who need it:

I tried not to slip, because didn't wanna be a bother to Zo and was scared because they no know about Boo being little. And I scared they hate me.]

Billzo felt his heart break a little bit hearing his little one feel like this. He pulled Boo into his lap and began rubbing circles in his back.

"Little one you will never ever be a bother to me okay? I love you so much, and you are amazing in every way possible. The others won't hate you for being a little, in fact I think Aimsey and Freddy used to take care of littles. And if Tommy and Tubbo don't know what littles are then we can always explain to them, okay?," Billzo said rubbing circles in Ranboo's back.

Ranboo gave a nod in reply and clung out Bill. They sat on the floor for a couple more minutes before Boo decided he was ready to leave the bathroom.

Aimsey and Tubbo were playing another round of Mario kart, and Freddy and Tommy were in the kitchen making some popcorn and getting out other snacks so they could all watch a movie later.

Boo was walking behind Billzo trying to hide himself the best he could being a little shy, but he wasn't scared. Bill just laughed a little bit seeing Boo trying to hide, but he held his hand and walked to the living room where Tubbo and Aimsey were.

Tubbo and Aimsey finished their Mario Kart round, and Tubbo went to the kitchen while Bill and Ranboo walked in the room, Aimsey turned around and looked at Bill with a concerned look. Then she saw Ranboo walking behind him. She gave Billzo a look that asked the question. Billzo nodded, and Aimsey smiled. Then Billzo whispered something to Ranboo and Ranboo walked over to Aimsey.

Bill walked into the kitchen and told Freddy about Ranboo being a little, Freddy smiled and talked to Bill some more about it, and then Freddy said he was gonna order some pizza while Bill talked to Tommy and Tubbo.

Freddy walked into the living room where Boo was clinging to Aimsey watching pocoyo. Freddy sat next to Aimsey and Ranboo, and when he did Ranboo smiled at him.

"Dee know m little?" Ranboo asked.

"Yes Boo, Dee knows you're a little," Freddy said, his heart melting when Ranboo hugged him.

Ranboo went back to watching pocoyo while Freddy and Aimsey talked about what pizzas to order. They decided to get one cheese, and one sausage, and they decided to order some breadsticks as well.

Then, Tubbo, Tommy, and Bill walked in the room and sat on the couch as well.

Ranboo looked at them, "Toms n' Bo know?"

"Yes little one, we know you're a little," Tubbo said. Ranboo smiled and looked at Tommy. Tommy made grabby hands at Boo.

Ranboo smiled, and sat next to Tommy. They babbled to each other, and cuddled while watching pocoyo. Turns out that Ranboo, and Tommy were both littles, and Ranboo had Billzo as a caregiver while Tommy had Tubbo as his caregiver.

The rest of the night was filled with little giggles and happiness. And now two littles knew that they were loved.

Hello loves, I am very sorry for any mistakes I made, or if it is a bit rushed at the end because I started running out of ideas. I love you guys so much, and I will be very busy this week. Also I start school next week so I will not be able to post as much anymore, and I will not be able to be on wattpad as much. I'm gonna try to get another chapter out on the SBI book this week, if not I'm sorry. I love you guys, and have a good day/night/evening, take care of yourselves. Goodbye loves ♡    -Clove

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