Chapter Thirteen: God Help The Outcasts

Start from the beginning

Nakoma shrugged and grinned sheepishly.

"I wanted to see if I could find some help."

Esmeralda smiled softly.

"I appreciate it, I really do. But now both of us are trapped in here."

A strange silence enveloped them; Drizella glanced from Esmeralda to Nakoma and finally to Quasimodo, who seemed at a loss.

"And who are you?" The bellringer met Drizella's gaze.

"This is my friend, Drizella," Nakoma said.

"I'm sorry for what they did to you," Drizella said to him. "I wish there was something more I could have done to help you."

Quasimodo looked away and smiled.

"It's alright. I feel better knowing there are people who care, anyway." The scared look returned to his eyes. "You all should go. My master could come back any minute."

"He went with some of the guards," Esmeralda said. There was something in her voice, something like malice—or fear. "I don't think he'll be back soon."

"Please let us stay," Nakoma begged. "We can't get out of here anyway. You said so yourself. We're stuck here."

Quasimodo looked at all three of them and gave a sigh of defeat.

"Alright. But only for a little while. And then you have to go somewhere else. Frollo can't see you all up here!"

The three girls smiled at one another.

A few moments later found all four of them gathered around Quasi's carving table. Drizella gently touched the intricate designs on the small model of the cathedral, while Esmeralda picked up two unpainted sculptures and examined them thoroughly.

"Oh, no, please!" Quasimodo cried. "I'm not finished...I still have to paint them."

"It's the blacksmith...and the baker!" Esmeralda giggled. "You're a surprising person, Quasimodo. And not to mention lucky." She gestured around them. "All this room to yourself!"

"Well, it's not just me. There's the gargoyles, and, of course, the bells." His eyes lit up. "Would you all like to see them?"

"Yes, of course," replied Esmeralda. Drizella and Nakoma nodded their agreement. "Wouldn't we, Djali?"

The goat slurped something into his mouth and looked sheepishly up at them.

"Follow me. I'll introduce you."

The three ladies were familiarized with the dames of the bell tower: Little Sophia; the three 'Maries', Jean Marie, Ann Marie and Louise Marie; and then finally 'Big Marie', an enormous bell all four of them could stand beneath.

"Hello!" cried Esmeralda. Her voice reverberated richly within the bell.

"She likes you," Quasi said. "Would you like to see more?"

"Yes, please!" Drizella said.

"How about it, Djali?" Esmeralda turned to her goat, who belched from beneath Big Marie. The sound echoed back as the little creature gazed around the inside of the bell with curiosity. The girls chuckled. "We'd love to," Esmeralda said.

"Good." Quasi smiled. "I've saved the best for last!" He led them outside onto a railed terrace overlooking the city. The sunlight sparkled on the ripples of the Seine as it wound its way through the city and illuminated the buildings beautifully from behind. Drizella forced her mouth closed and took a deep breath as a breeze swept past, whipping her hair back from her face. It felt wonderful, free and pure and new and sprinkled with the scents of warm bread and fresh fruit.

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