Chapter Eleven: The Chase

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Drizella pushed her way through the crowd, fighting to get close to Nakoma. She couldn't lose her; the young, dark-skinned woman was the only friend she had! As the other girl, Esmeralda, threw the crown toward the judge, she squeezed past the front row of people and shouted up to her.

"Nakoma!" She was holding tightly to Quasimodo's arm and watching the quarrel, but at the sound of her name she turned and stared.

"What are you doing—"

"Captain Phoebus!" shouted the judge. "Arrest them." Drizella spun and watched in horror as the crowd parted behind her to let the captain and his guards through. They began to surround the stage; she glanced around, seeing no way of escape without also abandoning her friend.

"Now, let's see," said Esmeralda from behind her. "One, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, so there's ten of you, and two of us. What's a poor girl to do?" She pulled a kerchief from her blouse and began to sob, collapsing onto Nakoma in a fit of tears.

Suddenly an explosion of smoke surrounded the two women, and they disappeared, much like Clopin's trick from before.

"Hey!" Someone grabbed her arm and began tugging her away from the crowd, and she pulled and struggled against them. "Let me go—"

"Hush!" Drizella recognized the voice immediately and stopped struggling. Instead she ran with Clopin toward the tents, dodging frantic townsfolk and skirting Frollo's guards. Once or twice she almost lost him, but soon they were in the safety of the tents. Many of the gypsies were hurriedly packing their wares and booths away. Clopin found an empty tent and ducked inside, pulling Drizella with him.

"I have to help Nakoma!" Drizella blurted as soon as they were inside. "What if they arrest her?"

Clopin sat down and began to laugh, and Drizella considered slapping him.

"Not to worry, she'll be safe with Esmeralda. We gypsies are very good at escaping the law." He winked at her. She smiled halfheartedly, but the doubt must have showed on her face. Clopin's smile faded and he sighed. "I can't promise you that she will be safe, but with Esmeralda there's a very good chance. Just think of what might have happened if I hadn't rescued you, for instance. It was very fortunate that we met before. Otherwise, you might even now be bound and thrown in a cart!"

Drizella shrugged.

"I guess so." An uncomfortable silence filled the tent, and Drizella became lost in her worried thoughts.

"Please, sit down," Clopin said finally, patting the ground in front of him. "You're making me uncomfortable." Drizella knelt and smoothed down her skirts, and then began to pick at her gloves. She could feel his eyes on her, studying her face and clothes with interest. "You're not from Paris, are you?"

Drizella glanced up and shook her head.

"No, I'm from England. My sister is—" Suddenly she stopped; she'd all but forgotten about Cinderella's instructions! It took her only a second to sift through her memory and recall what the princess had told her.

"I have a good friend there who can take care of you...she's a big hit at the Festival of Fools."

Had she meant Esmeralda? The gypsy woman was the the only person she'd seen who fit Cinderella's description. And Clopin seemed to know her well. Maybe he could take Drizella to her!

"I only just remembered—I needed to find someone here in Paris who could take care of me for a while. And I think I might know who she is."

"You might know?" Clopin laughed confusedly. "Did you not know who this person was before you came all the way to Paris?"

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