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The conversations continued to be had about Heather and Astrid get a room to themselves. But, the answer they always got was. Is that if you wanted a room to yourselves, pay for it. It was always rule to them, even growing up you earned for what you were given. Like Astrid's birthday party was something she earned for. She's in honors in all of her classes and had been behaving all year round. Then, Carmen decided she deserved something. So, as they actually finished packing for New York. They headed for the airport. The car ride being loud and chatting about what will happen. As Heather and Astrid shared looks of excitement with on another.

They then got the airport, got there luggage's and went through security. It was not much of a hassle thankfully. It was simple since they chose a time no many people fly at 9:00 am. Carmen and Juan held hands as they walked towards boarding to wait. While the girls felt sort of nervous to do the same. But, Heather didn't care anymore and took her hand for the first time in an actual public setting and dragged her to the seats.

"You ready for New York?" She asked, as she dropped the bags to the floor and sat next to Astrid.

"Of course. I'm just kind of bummed we won't be able to live out our dream over there." She said, looking out the window near her seat. Heather had a surprise in store for that worry.

"Yeah, but we can still go and explore Times Square." Heather suggested.

"That's true..." she began as they started chatting about what might happen in the city. But, soon they were ready to board and they entered the plane. Each of them praying there own blessing to the man above, and they took a seat. Astrid next to Heather and Neil, Carmen and Juan across from them. Juan took out his phone and took a groupie selfie as they began to take off. Astrid fell asleep once they got into the air. While Neil noticed the look in Heather's eyes when she watches Astrid breathe heavily.

"What's up with you guys, you seem distant?"

"What are you talking about?" She asked feigning innocence.

"It's just you guys were so good yesterday. But, you guys seem tense from the rest of the family."

"It's nothing really." She says shrugging it off.

"It can't be nothing cause your face tells a different story. So, what happened?"

"You ever wanna show some one how much you love them. But, you don't have the opportunity?"

"Yeah." He mumbles, now he gets it. His little sister wants to take the relationship to another level.

"What's stopping you?"



"They won't let us get our own room." She said, and this was odd to Neil. Carmen had bought him a room for his first with his girlfriend. Well more like she sensed a difference, and didn't want it happening in her house, cause the girls may walk in. Which they did... and boy was it wild. 

"What if I pay?"


"What if I pay for a room for you and Astrid?"

"You would do that?" She asked with hopefulness in her eyes.

"Yeah, I know how it feels to be a teenager believe it or not." Neil joked.

"Thanks." She whispered.

"No problem."

Soon enough the plane had landed and they were getting off. Heather woke Astrid up, as they walked out, got there bags and headed for the taxi.

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