Rain showers

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TW:  Homophobia and slurs

Soon Heather rose from her slumber, nervous about  what the new day had to offer. She wondered, how people would react after the incident yesterday?

She could already hear the rush of the whispers cloud into her ears. But, suddenly she remembered that today she wasn't going to school because it was her best friend's birthday. Since they were young they've never been to school on Astrid's birthday.

They never did it for me though, my birthday is always forgotten about because of what happened. 

But, she rose from the loft bed and went to sit on Astrid's king sized, and decided to be just a little louder than usual.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ASTRID!!!" She exclaimed alarming Astrid, from her peaceful dream, that oddly enough happened to be about Heather.

"What Heather, what?" She groaned covering her head with the pillow.

"Get up, I heard your mom planned something." She explained, boy was she excited about spending the day with Astrid.

"No go away, I want to sleep."

"But, come on Astrid." She pushed, but finally sighed and made her way downstairs. Sitting at the table with her mom, talking about what they had planned for the day, the ideas of hot air balloons, an amusement park, beaches, though they decided on a surprise party. Heather wasn't so fond of the idea, she didn't have many friends, and especially not those white kids that go to Astrid's school. Astrid was the pretty popular girl that could get any guy she wanted, because she was the spicy Latina with the big butt. While Heather, well the most she could get is the school's janitor because nobody wants the girl who eats dogs, right?

But, she pushed through because she would do anything for her best friend and she knew that the treatment went both ways. So, they began to plan the party, picking out the colors, the food, the time and of course the invitations. Though Carmen decided that sending a text will get the message across quicker, considering the party was tonight and starts at 8. So, being the cool mom that she is, sent a text to the PTA parents telling them that there was a special occasion happening in la Casa. They all responded saying they'll spread the word, bring their kids, and will stay for a while to help out.

If only I could have that,

But, she couldn't gloat for long, because breakfast was being served and Astrid was coming down stairs, in her Pj's and unicorn slippers. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail,

Lord she looked great considering she just woke up. Lucky bitch, she thought.

If only I could look that way...

God, stop it and make conversation, it's her birthday and your already making it about your stupid problems, she scolded internally.

"So, what do you want for your birthday?" Heather asked playing around with her food.

"Nothing, just to spend time with family," she replied, munching on a piece of bacon.

"Well, I don't think I am a blood relative but I hope to be a part of that," Heather joked.

"Don't worry, you're a part of it." She said, settling her bright brown eyes on Heather, causing her to choke on air. Her eyes were beautiful, and it's kind of like she knew the effect they had on her. They made her feel weird things, emotions she's never felt before and she doesn't know if she liked it or not.

Whenever Astrid's eyes were on her, she felt like there were butterflies in her stomach; not just from hunger and if she had just run a marathon, because her cheeks would flush and her heart would beat super fast. Kind of like what people in movies and romance books described to be a crush. But, she knew that wasn't true, nobody actually felt like that, I mean hey look at Astrid she's talked to Heather countless of times about love and has not once mentioned feeling that way. See, it's not real, well in Heather's eyes that's for sure.

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