🖌️ Already Gone || SabiGiyuu ⛈️

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Giyuu couldn't help but cry. Everyone passed final selection but Sabito. Sabito, someone who deserved to have lived. It should have been Giyuu who died, not Sabito. Sabito had died protecting him.  

At first when Giyuu heard the news, he wanted to believe it was all just a nightmare. He wanted to just wake up and run to Sabito. He didn't want to lose anyone else that he loved. 

If he wasn't so weak then maybe he could have helped Sabito. He could have done something to help. Even if one of them were destined to die, he should have been the one to die instead of Sabito. Sabito deserved to live. Giyuu was so pathetic, he couldn't even kill at least one demon. Sabito had protected everyone. If anyone was to die, it should have been Giyuu. 

Giyuu had forgotten what Sabito had said before Final Selection started. He forgot about it, all he could do was cry when he tried to forget about the news of his death. 

"Why couldn't it have been me instead of you? Why did you have to die?" he sobbed, "You deserve to live. You would have been a great Demon Slayer." 

He held his knees close to his chest and continued to cry. He didn't know how long he was crying. He couldn't stop crying. He wanted to be with Sabito again. He wanted to stay in Sabito's embrace forever. 

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his cheek. He looked up and saw Sabito. He blinked multiple times. Sabito was there with Giyuu. "Hey, don't cry, Giyuu," Sabito's words smoothed him. He was now crying from tears of joy. 

"You're alive?!" Giyuu shouted from shock. Was he dreaming about Final Selection or was this the dream? Either way, his best friend was right there, right in front of him. 

Giyuu hugged Sabito tightly. He cried into Sabito's shoulder. He was confused how Sabito was there with him, but he didn't question it. He was just glad that Sabito was there with him. 

Sabito didn't want to lie to Giyuu, but he didn't want to tell him the truth either. He wouldn't be there for long. Sabito was just a ghost. He didn't exist as a human. He smiled at Giyuu. "I can't be here for long, Giyuu," he replied. 

Giyuu broke their embrace and looked at Sabito with a confused look. "But why though? Why can't you stay with me?" he asked. 

Sabito avoided Giyuu's questions. He didn't want to sadden Giyuu. Just looking at Giyuu made Sabito even worse. Giyuu looked so happy with Sabito. 

Sabito broke free from their embrace. He took off his mask and looked at Giyuu in the eyes. Giyuu saw Sabito's smile. Sabito's smile warmed Giyuu's heart. Giyuu returned a smile. 

"Don't worry Giyuu, I'll vist you every now and then," Sabito replied, "But when I'm not around, Giyuu, I want you to find someone to keep you company when I can't. Can you promise me that?"

It hurt for Sabito to say that. He was somewhat lying and somewhat telling the truth. He didn't like the feeling one bit. He wanted to tell Giyuu the truth, but he couldn't. The truth would make Giyuu sadder. Sabito didn't know how much longer he had. 

"Giyuu... I have to go now. Will you please find someone  for when I'm not here?" Sabito hugged Giyuu again before leaving. 

Giyuu stood there in shock. He was just now processing everything that just happened. How did Sabito survive? They all said he had died, but there he was, standing and talking with Giyuu. Maybe it was just his imagination? 


It's been years since Giyuu went into Final Selection. He was the Water Hashira now. Sabito had kept his promise of visiting Giyuu. Sabito would visit once or twice every other month. 

The days that Sabito was there, Giyu felt like he had nothing to fear. He felt like a child again. Whenever it was time for Sabito to leave again, he'd always question how he survived Final Selection. 

The other Hashira were very confused about Giyuu's mood. One day Giyuu was all emotionless and then the next he was laughing by himself and then the day after that it was back to being emotionless. 

"I think Tomioka-san is so lonely that he made an imaginary friend," Shinobu said on one of the days where Giyuu was laughing. 

"He's probably been laughing in his mind for too long about how weak we are compared to him that he couldn't keep it in," Sanemi said his thoughts. 

"Well, I'm going to see if he'll talk to someone and not just air," Shinobu walked over to Giyuu. 

Giyuu's cheeks were red from smiling and laughing. Shinobu found it weird to see him like that. It was every unusual for him to just smile. So who would be able to make him laugh?

"Tomioka-san!" Shinobu said. Giyuu didn't reply to her. He was too busy laughing. 

"Tomioka-san, this is the reason why you have no friends. You shouldn't ignore someone when they're talking to you," she told him. 

He looked at her. "I have friends," he replied to her. Shinobu put a hand over her mouth. "Ara, ara. Don't be silly. Unless you're talking about  your imaginary friend, and if you didn't know. Your imaginary friend isn't real," she reminded him. 

Giyuu looked at Sabito, who was sitting right next to him. "But he's sitting right next to me," Giyuu said. He was confused. Why could Shinobu not see Sabito?

"Tomioka-san, it's not polite to not look at someone when you're talking to them," she said. That's when Giyuu realized it. "Are you just a figment of my imagination?" he asked. 

Sabito sighed, he didn't want it to come to this. He thought that he'd be able to keep the lie up until he was ready to tell Giyuu. "Giyuu... I was dead since I talked to you after Final Selection," he said. 

Giyuu was shocked to hear what Sabito said. Shinobu smiled at Giyuu. "Of course your friend isn't real. That's what imaginary friends are, they aren't real," she said.

Giyuu stood up and shoved Shinobu away. He then went back to Sabito. "Why didn't you it earlier?" Giyuu asked. He was keeping back tears.  He knew the other Hashira would think that he's even weirder if he cried. It'd look like he was crying to himself. 

"Giyuu... I..." Sabito didn't know how to respond. He took a deep breath. "Giyuu... I love you so much. I didn't want you to think that you were the reason for my death. I didn't want you to feel alone. I want you to keep living for me," he finally said.

Giyuu couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He pulled Sabito into a hug and sobbed. "I want to be with you Sabito!" Giyuu managed to say through his tears. 

Sabito looked at Giyuu. "I'm sorry. I want you to move on. I'm already gone, I've been gone for the past  six years," Sabito said sadly. Sabito smiled one last time at Giyuu before fading away. 


It's me, Allura. This was inspired by the song above (I felt like I wanted to cry when I listened to it). I can't believe this took like only 3 hours to write.


Word Count: 1221

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