Chapter 9

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Note: Hi readers! Hope you all are doing well. So sorry for delay in updating the chapter. I got busy with my work and it became hard for me to be regular with updates. Hope you like this new chapter.



"Yeah, it's me"

"Wait!! Are you for real? What...are you doing here???? Tell me I'm not dreaming for godsake......"

"Pichi...You are not dreaming Jaan. It's me Aravind " said Aravind pinching her.

(Pichi- Mad)

"Aaa. You IDIOT I missed you a lot" said hugging Aravind. He was taken aback by the sudden hug, as she's not a hug person. She hugs based on the situation, person and comfort level she has with that person.

"missed you soooooo much" hugging her tightly.

"Ouch woman!!! What happened to you? Why are you punching me?" asked Aravind leaving Seetha. Seetha punched him in his tummy.

"You deserve it idiot for two reasons!!One - You took three years to come back!!Two - For pinching me" Seetha yelled at him.

"Forgive me my lord!! From next time onwards, I will come every year. I swear.... and pinching thing... I just want to make you believe that you are not dreaming" he gave her a sheepish smile.

"I'm not falling for your words this time da. Let's put the PINCHING topic to rest for a while, I will give it back to you later. Now tell me what are you doing here in Mumbai.? When did you come to India?" questioned Seetha.

"Thursday early hours da. It's a surprise to everyone. Amma & chelli got very emotional seeing me. Even my appa, who showcases himself as an emotionless person hugged me. Can you believe it!!Three years staying away from them, changed them. I like this change... they are open to emotions now"

"Coming to your question 'What I am doing here? ' Yesterday I came to Hyderabad to meet you. I called Kalyan to get your address, he told me you were in Mumbai and they will be joining you on Monday. I want to spend time with you all so joined you guys in this trip. I hope you don't mind me joining this trip unannounced. It's a surprise for you and Sanju. Sanju will be surprised tomorrow by seeing me" said Aravind.

"Shut up. Don't mind?? You talk nonsense... Nah! Bullshit... So much happened in 3 days. Are you ok dude? I mean you travelled so much just in 4 days. I hope you will be safe after this trip too" said Seetha

"You worry a lot. Stop thinking too much. I will be fine. I'm hungry, let's grab food and talk" said Aravind.

"Sorry da, I have office dinner party tonight. I'm going there only. Why don't you join me"

"No. I cannot socialize for the day. I need rest. You carryon"

"Okay, you just go and eat. I will try to come early from dinner. I will let you know if I get late. Btw, where are you staying?"

"Hmm. Same hotel where you will be staying from tomorrow. No, you enjoy. I will have something on my way back to hotel " said Aravind.

"Okay da. Sleep well. Meet you tomorrow" said Seetha.

"Okay okay. You take care. I will go, my ride will be here in 5. Bye bye Jaan" said Aravind and left to his hotel. Seetha too went to the restaurant.

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