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reallyyyyy long chapter warning

The next morning was a whirlwind. I had woken up still against Clay's chest, his arms wrapped around my back tightly as if I were to fall off.

I noticed my hair had been poorly tied up in a bun, I'm guessing Clay attempted that as I fell asleep. Thinking back on last night, my whole body fluttered remembering his touch. The touch I've been longing for. The touch I've been trying to push away. The relief that it gave me was incredible. I nestled my head into his chest, smiling like an idiot against his hot skin.

I felt his arms adjust and slide up and down my back, a soft groan emitting from his chest as he woke up. "Morning." He yawned, still holding onto me.

"Dude you're going to squeeze me to death." I wheezed as he finally loosed his embrace and I sat up, straddling on his lap as I smiled down at him. He was rubbing his eyes tiredly and trying his best to open them fully but was terribly failing as he began to drift off again.

"Wake up wake up." I urged, pushing down on his chest gently, causing him to swat my hands away.

"I'm up I'm up." He repeated defensively, sitting all the way up against the headboard and bringing me with him. He held onto my waist and smiled as he finally opened his eyes wide enough to see.

"You need a brush." I laughed, bringing my hands up to his hair and combing my fingers through his messy waves.

"Shut up." He mumbled before pulling me into a kiss. I kissed back and held his jaw in my hands as he placed his hands on my lower back, pushing me closer to his frame.

"You're beautiful." He said in his raspy morning voice as he pulled away, his eyes glistening in the beam of sunlight shining into the room.

"Shut up." I mumbled this time, pulling him into another kiss. He began to kiss back until the sound of the front door caused us to snap our heads towards the door.

"Shit, Karl." Clay groaned, tilting his head back against the headboard.

"What's with that tone?" I teased, kissing his cheek and ruffling up his hair before climbing off his lap and making my way towards the bathroom.

I shamefully picked up the bottles that had fallen all over the place and fixed them neatly against the wall. I looked in the mirror and tried my best to comb out my hair with my fingers but it was useless. I looked like a hot mess. Karl wouldn't question anything though.

As soon as I entered the foyer, Karl eyed me suspiciously. "What?" I asked, acting clueless.

"Rough night?" He raised an eyebrow as he got a glass of orange juice from the fridge.

"I don't even know what you're talking about." I said in a tired tone, rubbing my eyes. "How was Nick's?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"It was good, we all had a little sleepover in the living room like we were little kids. You guys shoulda came." He explained cheerfully.

"You never invited us." I stated in a confused tone.

"You never answered my texts." He said defensively.

I looked at him with a confused expression and ran to grab my phone, immediately mentally facepalming myself as unread messages displayed over my lock screen.

"What were you doing that was so important that you couldn't answer?" He asked, a slight tease in his tone.

"I just fell asleep, pretty long day yesterday." I said as an excuse.

"At 9pm?"

I mentally cursed myself out. I opened my mouth to spit out another excuse but Clay turned around the corner in that moment, catching Karl's attention off me finally.

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