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I awoke the next morning with his arm wrapped around my waist. I could feel  his breath against the top of my head as his frame was pressed up against my back under the covers. I had almost forgotten what had happened last night.
I carefully removed his hand from my waist and slid out of bed. He stirred in his sleep but soon fell into another dream. He looked peaceful.

I made my way into the kitchen where I found Karl making breakfast at the counter. Patches sat on the counter beside him watching him mix what looked to be pancake mix.

"Rough night?" Karl grinned as I sat down on a stool across the counter.

"I don't even wanna talk about it." I groaned into my hands from embarrassment.

"I'm just hoping you used protection that's all." I looked at him with confusion. Was he not talking about my episode?

"What are you talk-"

"I woke up last night and came into the living room to find Clay not there and some voices coming from his room. No judgment here-"

"It wasn't like that Karl. What time did you even go to bed?"

"I forget the time but it was a little after Clay got all worried about something and left in a hurry and I was too tired to ask him more so I just passed out." He explained, pouring some of the batter on a griddle.

Okay so he doesn't know what happened last night. That's good. I'm surprised Clay hadn't said anything.

"What's the plan for today?" Karl asked.

"Not sure, we should ask Clay." I suggested. "You realize we leave in two days right?" Karl asked which caught me off guard.

"Has the week really gone by that fast?" I asked completely dumbfounded. It felt as if we were only here for 3 days.

"Time flies when you're having fun." Karl eyed me suspiciously, obviously hinting at something I wasn't quite understanding.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest defensively.

"Oh I've seen the way you and Clay have been hanging out everywhere. I'm not that dumb. It's like you guys are tied together." He scoffed.

"Karl it's not like that." I repeated myself. How and why is he not getting it?

"Then why have you guys been running off together at random times? And without telling me anything?" He asked, he was obviously upset by this and I couldn't blame him. Our lack of communication was definitely paying its karma back.

"It's complicated. It's just things with, y'know." I paused. The thought caused a gut wrenching reminder through my body. "It's been a hard past week with everything. This place. Clay had just been helping me get through it that's all." I confessed quietly, looking down. "I am sorry that I haven't said anything though. That wasn't fair of me." I admitted.

"It's okay." He sighed, placing his hand over mine to comfort me. "Just know you can talk to me okay."

I smiled at his generosity until Clay came into the room. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head, causing his shirt to lift, revealing his sharp v-line. I quickly changed my focus when I caught myself staring for too long and my cheeks heated up. Where did this nervousness come from?

"Good morning Karl," Clay yawned, patting him on the back as he walked past him to get to the fridge. "And Y/n." He grinned, gazing at me with his liquid forest green eyes.

"As to you, bet you slept well last night coming from your loud ass snores." I lied, trying to wipe that smug grin off his face. To which it did as he suddenly turned red.
"I did not." He complained in disbelief.

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