he felt another hand come to rub his lower back, opening his sleepy eyes to see jack with a smile on his face seeing how cute his boys looked together. "you wanna come shower with me and zay princess?" jack asked, watching as corbyn looked around for zach after hearing that, not seeing him anywhere in their room and looking back to jack with confusion written all over his face.

"he's getting the water warm for us" jack answered, watching as corbyn nodded, jacks arms coming to sweep corbyn up as he made his way into the bathroom carrying his boy, knowing that after tonight he surely wouldn't be able to walk on his own right now. zach and jack took turns hugging him in the shower as they rinsed off, zach washing his hair as he left kisses on his face while jack washed off his body. jonah and daniel cleaned up their bedroom, switching the sheets for clean ones and lighting a candle to rid the room of the smell of sex.

corbyn practically fell asleep the second he hit the bed after zach dressed him, jack and zach holding him from either side as they waited for jonah and daniel to come take their spot after their shower. tonight was corbyns turn to sleep in the middle, jonah and daniel getting to be on either side of him as jack and zach were on the ends. but zach and jack were more then content to fill their places while their youngest boyfriend slept, knowing he loves to be held after sex.

the two couldn't help but giggle when their eldest boyfriends returned tho, seeing them each with a new hickey or two, knowing their shower was rather fun. they separated from the blonde, making room for the two brunettes as corbyn got comfortable in between them, adjusting to the new arms around him.

they woke up in the same position the following morning, corbyns naked back pressed to daniels bare chest as zach had only been able to dress him in boxers last night before corbyn passed out in their bed. he realized his face was nuzzled between jonah's neck and chest, pulling away to realize jonah was also shirtless as he smiled, admiring his boyfriends abs.

"it's rude to stare you know?" jonah whispered through a smirk, his early morning voice coming out raspy as corbyn had to close his eyes to prevent himself from moaning at the sound. "it's not rude if you're my boyfriend, i get to stare all i want. you sure did a whole lot of it last night" it was now corbyns turn to speak through a smirk, his hand coming to trace jonah's abs as he looked at his more dominate boyfriend through hooded eyes.

"we all did, all night, you're beautiful" a new voice spoke, corbyns mind subconsciously labeling the voice as daniel as he felt his arms come to squeeze his waist tighter. corbyn couldn't help but laugh as he wiggled his way out of their grip, walking over to their dresser with a bit of a limp, picking out a pair of blue pajama pants he knew belonged to jack before feeling two hands grab his ass.

he was met with zach when he turned around, looking past him to see all of the boys staring, not at him, but his ass. "better but some pants on, or we might just have to go for a round two" zach spoke as he slapped his ass, walking away to go to the bathroom. corbyn giggled, pulling the pants on. "i can't do anything in this house without one of you trying to get in my pants" corbyn pretended to complain. "it's not just in this house babygirl, you and i both know that" jack responded, coming over to add one last hickey on his neck as corbyns eyes fluttered shut.

when he pulled away corbyns eyes reopened, looking up at jack. "how many is there?" corbyn wondered cutely, looking at jack with big innocent eyes, jack not being able to help leaving a kiss between his eye brows the same way jonah had last night before responding. "go look for yourself" he suggested, pushing him in the direction of the bathroom where zach was brushing his teeth.

corbyn sucked in a breath through his teeth seeing his reflection in the mirror. even after a shower and a full night of sleep he still look absolutely wrecked. the hickeys started from just above his v line, coming up across his stomach and onto his chest and pecks, ending with some around his adam's apple and under his ear. zach giggled, corbyn too focused on the hickeys to pout at his boyfriends teasing. it was crazy that he knew which group of hickeys belonged to which one of his boyfriends.

he watched daniel through the mirror as he came behind him, his arms wrapping around his waist as his chin rested on top of corbyns shoulder, looking at the blonde through the mirror. "i'd say there's probably ten, maybe more" daniel spoke, looking at his boys beautiful body up and down, examining them the same way corbyn just was. he flipped corbyn around, picking him up and sitting him on the bathroom counter before slipping in between his legs.

he handed corbyn his toothbrush that already had toothpaste on it before adding some to his own as they began to brush their teeth together. their mornings were always intimate, everyone just wanting to act on love and emotion, they were always especially intimate after nights like last night.

"didn't mean for this to happen bug, m sorry" jack spoke from beside them, pulling the band of corbyns pants down slightly to reveal the two sets of hand prints marked into a dark purple on each of his hips, one set of prints his while the other set was daniels. corbyn looked down to examine the marks, looking between both of his boyfriends before shrugging. "didn't even know they were there, it's ok" corbyn spoke softly, his hand coming up to hold his boyfriends cheek.

eventually the three of them finally made it downstairs, being met with the sight of jonah and zach making breakfast. corbyn sat on the island, idly watching jonah cook as he re lived every moment of last night in his mind.

"did you have a good birthday my love?" jonah spoke as he walked over to his boy, spreading his legs so he could stand between them. corbyn blinked, trying to rid the image of zach fucking him into next week before answering jonah's question. "it was amazing, wanna make it my birthday every day if i'm gonna get presents like that" corbyn stated, jonah smirking in response before cupping his boys cheeks and kissing his lips.

a/n never wrote smut before so it took me three days to decide if i really wanted to post this or not but i think i like it. i have a few more smut drafts saved as well as just some regular fluff ones aswell that i'm gonna post soon. i'm glad i have motivation rn because school starts soon for me and i wanna be able to write as much as i can before i get too bring out.
1990 words

corbyn centric one shots Where stories live. Discover now