ROSENIVERSE Episode 15 "CRYSTAL School" #1

Start from the beginning

[Who's Hayoon?]

Hayoon: I'm Hasoon.

Teacher: How about we call the role first? I wasn't aware you all had different names. Jihye? Jisoon. Miyoung?

Miyoung: Oh, it's actually Misoon thank you

Teacher: Are you guys related?

Miyoung: Yeah we're sisters

Jihye: Yeah we're twin sisters

Teacher: Hasoon, Jisoon, Misoon... So I guess that makes you Nasoon?

[Nasoon somehow sounds like a name from the past]

Nari: Nasoon? Soonna? I like both

Teacher: Is there anyone you want to recommend, or want to try out the role?

Nari: I recommend Hasoon

[I'm confident]

Teacher: You want to recommend Hasoon? Oh, Misoon! Are you recommending yourself?

Miyoung: No, I have no intentions to

Jihye: Actually, I recommend Misoon

Miyoung: Why?

Hayoon: I also recommend Misoon

Teacher: Misoon already got two votes. Since Misoon got the most votes, how about you come up and tell us what you can promise if you become class captain. Come on Misoon

Nari: Isn't she Britney Spears?

(If that's the case...)
[Having no intentions to be class captain doesn't mean she has no energy]

Jihye: Can you imagine how far she would go if she had the intentions to be captain?

Teacher: Britney Misoon, tell us your pledge

[Change in attitude]

Miyoung: Well... If I were to be captain, anything the members want to eat, anything they want to do... I'll pay with my own money to make that all possible

[Misoon's pledge = Flex]

Miyoung: If you guys get thirsty, I'll get water for them like this

Hayoon: Oh really?

Teacher: What if they need an air-conditioner?

Miyoung: I'll pay for the air-conditioner for them

[Super flex candidate with "no intentions" to be captain]
[Stole their hearts]

Teacher: If Britney Misoon were to be captain, she said she'll pay everything for the class

[Supporters go crazy over Misoon]

Teacher: Next up is Soonna. Please come out

[So much pressure]
[Let's go Soonna]

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