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At the party jere had met up with dylan so the two had separated from the group. Steven was with shayla and belly was with cameron leaving maddy and conrad together.

A random guy came over to maddy offering her a drink which she declined as she does know better than to take drinks of strangers. So she left to go get her own blowing the guy off.

It was later on in the night and maddy had been hanging with this guy called dan. He was good looking and polite so she couldnt exactly stop herself from talking with him.

All of a sudden jere runs out the door and out into the yard of the house. She was worried so she excused herself to leave to see what was up with him. "Sorry i just saw my friend run out the door im gonna go check on him but ill be back just give me two minutes" she turned to leave but dan grabbed her arm

"Your friends a guy?"

"Erm yeah sorry can you let go i need to check on him i dont know how much hes had to drink" she tried to get his hand off but his grip tightened

"I think hes okay princess you stay with me yeah"

"Okay look. If you dont get your hand off me in the next two seconds you wont have a hand."

He laughed at her "your a little feisty arnt you? Huh?"

Conrad, who had been watching her talk to this guy, came over when he didnt take his hand off her looking down on him

"Hey pal, i think you should get your hand off her, like now."

Conrad was taller than him so he was intimidating and to maddy extremely hot

The guy removed his hand and maddy turned to run out after jere hoping he hadn't completely disappeared by now

"Jere!" She shouted but she didnt see him

"Why you looking for jere?"

"Did you not see him run out or were you to busy staring at me all night?" She said. "Look I appreciate you getting that guy to get off of me but i don't appreciate you staring at me constantly"

"I wasnt staring at you all night"

"You were! Every time i looked at you you were staring at me and that guy like you wanted to kill him"

"So you were looking at me?"

"What? No omg can you just find your brother please i dont know how much hes had to drink"

Belly and cameron came over to see what the two were bickering about. "Hey whats going on?" Belly said

"Oh just jere ran out and then i went to follow him to see if he was alright and then this guy wouldnt let me leave and conrad made him and then by that time jere was gone" she said pausing to take a breath "anyway can you help me find him he looked upset"

"Woah ok yeah, wait what do you mean a guy would let you leave?"

Conrad pitched in "he was a dick and now maddys pissed because i helped her get away from a psycho"

"See thats the problem, you say shit like that but you say it in a way that sounds like you saved my life or something. Ive told you before i dont need your fucking help"

"Okay god i was just trying to help but i guess since you dont need it ill just go help my brother"

"Fine. go, please and if you find him text me"

"Whatever" he said walking towards the main road

"I swear to god im gonna lose my shit if he doesnt stop doing stuff like that" she said to herself as she walked the opposite way to find jere

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