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A few days had past since the bonfire, bels had been dragged around the town for hours at a time by susannah trying to find the perfect dress for the debutant ball.

Jere and steven had been to multiple parties and jere even met a guy who he was really into. And everyone could tell since he couldnt stop smiling.

Maddy knew that it had to be hard on bels since she had had a crush on jere for years but she could never say anything to him because she wants to be with someone who wants to be with her. Shes always said it, that she wont force love and instead wait for it to come to her. Thats the thing that maddy admired about bels. she was wise, at times that was, not in every aspect of life like drinking, but she was wise with love.

Belly is only 17 but her knowledge overtakes her age. She was good in school because she always stayed focused and never let anything distract her, except of course her best friend taylor.

Taylor was the only person that belly would drop absolutely everything for no matter how little the situation

But maddy?

Maddy never had anybody like that after the incident

The incident that nearly killed her. And still her 'friends' didnt give a shit about her and thats when she realised it. When she saved their life and they didnt bother to visit, text or call.

2 summers ago in 2019 maddys mother was murdered and the killers were never caught, untill they had managed to get everyone who was close to maddy in a room where they tortured her. Infront of everyone. They threatened to hurt the people closest to her so instead maddy took the punishments as they called it.

Punishments that lead to her having to have 16 corrective surgeries and 8 months of physical therapy followed by 3 months of mental therapy.

3 bullet wounds, 2 to her left leg and 1 to her right arm. A scar from a knife that they cut her face with in a crescent moon shape from her forehead to her chin while whispering the details of how they had raped her before in her ear. And of course 3 broken bones.

Her closest family and friends were in the room watching the torture that she had to endure but what they didn't know was how they raped her. Maddy never told anyone about that. She kept it between her and her nurses.

When the police came to arrest the criminals one of them put a gun to her head and held a knife to her throat. But at that point everything was silent. She couldnt hear anything except from her heavy breathing. All she could see was her family crying and the police rush in with guns screaming at the men telling them to put their weapons down.

She tuned out

And at that point she gave up trying. Because she knew her family was safe, so she didnt care what happened to her because all she wanted was her family to be ok.

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