Chapter 4: Meet the new riders

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Things were really starting to look up in Sweetwater.

After a month with the buckskin Belle had finally earned his full trust. She gentled him to where they trusted one another fully. Eventually she came up with the perfect name for him, Storm.

Teaspoon watched in amazement as the stallion listened to the soft spoken girl's every command. Storm even protected her from other horses in the corral whenever they spooked or were angry. It was obvious that the bond they had formed was something special.

On one particular day, Belle had taken Storm out for a ride and by the time she got back it was dusky dark. She set about taking care of the horse in the barn when Teaspoon approached her.

"How'd he do today?" The man asked while cautiously walking closer. The stallion trusted him to an extent but not enough for Teaspoon to move freely around him.

"Fantastic as always." Belle smiled brightly at him. "He amazes me a little more every day. Isn't that right buddy?" She asked the horse who was affectionately nuzzling the girl's cheek while keeping a wary eye on the man.

Teaspoon shook his head while a fond smile graced his face. "I'll never understand what you did to make him act like that." He let out a groan as he sat on a nearby bale of hay. "Got some new riders coming in tomorrow. Might need your help with this bunch."

"Why's that?" Belle asked as she ran a brush over Storm's glossy coat.

"They're young. About your age so they might do well with you helping them figure out the ropes. Gonna be a might more lively around here." Teaspoon sighed, leaning back against a wood beam and crossing his arms. "You might consider moving in with Emma and out of the bunkhouse for a time."

Isabelle stopped brushing Storm and turned toward Teaspoon with a frown. "Why would I do that? I'm all settled in."

"Now you know why or at least you have a general idea. These are young bucks and I'm amight nervous letting you stay there with them." He responded in a father like tone that reminded her so much of Bobby.

Belle gave him a gentle smile. "Honestly, Teaspoon, I can take care of myself. I promise." She stated, tapping the side of her boot where she hid her knife. "This stays under my pillow at night and I am a light sleeper."

Teaspoon shook his head. "You are the strangest young lady I have ever come across. But, I believe ya. Near took my eye out that one time I woke ya up. We'll take another look on how your feeling after they've been here for a week. Make sure you get plenty of sleep." He said while standing up.

"Is this gonna make things a little chaotic?" Belle asked as she walked Storm back out to the corral.

"Yes, yes it will." Teaspoon sighed before heading off to the bunkhouse for supper.


Belle set herself up just out of sight of the new recruits but close enough hear them meet Teaspoon. She had seen them ride in one at a time.

Just looking at the young men, Belle could already see a couple of them that were clearly going to be pains in the butt. One of them was a blonde hair and was wearing a full set of buckskin clothes. He reeked of arrogance with the cocky way he was standing, rifle in hand. She made a mental note to steer clear of him.

One of them was half Native American. He truly interested Belle. She had yet to meet a Native and she was excited to learn more about their culture first hand. He had rode in with a young man who had his hat pulled low over his face. They were talking back in forth in hand gestures, sign language if she had to guess.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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