"They're here for me," I murmured, a sense of calm coming over me.

Lia gasped. "What?"

They pounded on the door again. "FBI! We're here for Jayna Chacon, let us in!"

I turned to Lia quickly. "Lia," I said, backing toward the door, "I owe you five dollars." Her eyes widened, and she nodded in understanding. With that, I turned and unlocked the door.

Everything was a blur from that point on. I was handcuffed and searched, then seated in a chair while Lia argued with the agents. They threw around terms like "obstruction of justice" and "harboring a known fugitive." As they pulled me out the door, Lia called to me, "I'm getting you an attorney! Don't say a word to them until she arrives!"

The ride to the FBI's Portland office was short, but I was exhausted. I hadn't slept well in weeks, so I drifted off during the car ride. Someone shook me awake as we pulled up to the building, and I stumbled obediently along at their direction.

I was immediately brought into a room where they removed my handcuffs so I could be searched again more thoroughly by a female agent and everything on my person was catalogued. I watched in amusement as they put my stethoscope on the evidence list, as well as the little notepad and pen that I used when I needed to write down vitals or other random information. I snorted when the agent stared in confusion at notes where I was calculating a medication dose based on the patient's body surface area.

Her head snapped up at the noise I made. "Is this all a joke to you?"

I shook my head, but couldn't help the inappropriate laughter from bubbling up. "No, it's just–the look on your face..." I broke out in an hysterical giggling fit, unable to continue speaking as I laughed and gasped for air.

I had barely started to calm down when she roughly dragged me into a different room and sat me in a chair. I heard someone else come through the door. Oh, great. Agent Carnes.

"Hello again, Jayna," he greeted me in a smug voice.

I rolled my eyes. What an asshole. I watched as he set up some recording devices and mumbled some information about me into them. Then he turned back to me and said in an official-sounding voice, "Ms. Chacon, what is the nature of your relationship with Jakob Fischer?"

Fischer? Well, that was news to me. Lia had said to wait for the lawyer, but what else could I find out if I kept talking? "That name is not familiar to me," I answered honestly.

"The conversations on your phone would say otherwise," he shot back, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed. "There are no conversations with someone named Jakob Fischer on my phone."

That smirk came back again as he ignored my response. "You're a nurse, right?"

I just glared at him. He knew that I was.

"Aren't nurses supposed to care about people? Be compassionate and all that?" I huffed out a breath but otherwise remained silent. This was getting boring. "So how could you end up with a terrorist? Do you even know what he's done?"

When I continued to ignore him, he plopped down a file in front of me. "Why don't you take a look?" he encouraged me.

I was curious what he had, but I studiously looked away. It was probably all lies anyway. Besides, I had told Jake once that I didn't care what he had done, and I meant it. I didn't believe he was capable of doing anything that would purposefully hurt someone.

"Yes, well, I have quite a lot of information about you if you don't care to see what Jake has done. Including evidence that you illegally hacked a private person's cloud storage, that you were a party to stealing and reviewing the private health records of Hannah Donfort, tampering with police evidence, obstruction of justice, and trying to obscure the whereabouts of a wanted fugitive." He sat back, waiting for a reaction from me.

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