Notepad: Hello?

Michael is confused by a pop-up saying hi to him.

Notepad: Shy? It's rude to just stare.

Micheal: ?, is this thing talking to me.

Notepad: Yes, I'm talking you, Micheal, and I could hear you.

Michael sits back down at his computer.

Michael: What are you? I didn't know computers could hold conversations.

Notepad: It's not the computer. It's the disc you picked up.

Michael: Ok, is it running a program on my computer or something, and how do you know my name.

Notepad: Yes it is, and how would not remember My Old Friend.

Michael: Old friend?

Notepad: Yes, you don't remember. Your old friend Sarah.

Michael: Sarah..........

Michael stares in his space as he starts to remember that name.

Michael: Sarah from college?

Notepad: Yup.

Michael hands start to shake in fear. How the past catch up to so quickly. Michael goes to turn off his computer.

Notepad: Hey, what are you doing?

Michael: I'm shutting this down.

Notepad: Why? Don't you want to say hello at least. You know how's life and everything.

Michael: How's life?

Notepad: Well, for me I've been trapped in this disc for years. O just woke up in here without any memory of how I got here.

Michael returns his attention back to the screen.

Michael: You don't remember?

Notepad: Not at all.

Michael: How do I know this is really Sarah.

The Notepad shows an image of their college photo, and many more.

Notepad: If that's still not enough, I remember the time you gave me a dollar because our dorm venting machine broke, and that time were Luther almost drowned because he didn't wore a life jacket on that canoe trip.

Michael: There's no way.

Notepad: No way for what?

Michael: I thought you were dead.

Notepad: Dead? I'm dead! How?

Michael: You went missing and the police just gave up on it. So everyone get just thought you died.

Notepad: I'm dead? How did I die?

Michael: I don't know.

Notepad: Really?

Michael: Honestly, I don't know. It was a hard pill to shallow. Everyone missed you especially Lily.

Notepad: Lily, oh no. I hate to make her worry about anything.

Michael: She's doing much more better than before.

Notepad: Oh that reminds me. What happened to Luther and Martin.

Michael: We don't talk much. Our group broke up after you went missing.

Notepad: Oh that's sad. Hey Michael, did you ever finish your Software engineer program.

Michael: Yeah, I did.

Notepad: That's wonderful. Well, I haven't been completely honest with you. You see, the person who put me in this disc dropped me off at your home.

Caught in a Mousetrap OVA: MimicsWhere stories live. Discover now