Fight and Flight

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I walked up the hatch with the sound of my boots hitting the hatch filling the small space. Everyone was in their own space getting ready to take off. Lorry was in the cockpit flipping switches to turn on the engine, Natasha was beside him buckling her belts on her seat, and Steve was sitting down, with his head bowed in prayer. 

"Welcome aboard Barton." Lorry said turning his head towards me. I gave him a small smile and sat down across from Steve. 

"Clear for take off." Natasha said over the microphone to tower. Lorry flipped one switch and the sound of the engine roaring to life filled the space. I buckled myself in, closed my eyes, and lied my head back against the now vibrating wall.  The feeling of lightweight over took my body as the jet took off from the runway. 

After a while in complete silence, someone cleared their throat causing me to open my eyes. I looked to the cockpit to see if it was Nat or Lorry who made the noise. Both of them were looking forward, and focused on the sky's ahead. 

I turned my attention to Steve, who was facing me but was looking away.

"Did you need something Captain?" I asked, leaning forward so my head was no longer on the wall. His body language said that he had something to ask me or to tell me. 

With a sigh, he looked at me and opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it. A soft hum was heard from him as he sat in thought. His left had reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. 



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