Welcome Aboard

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The sounds of keyboards and muffled voices fill the quiet air. My fingers lace through my hair as I try my best to french braid it with out a mirror. I could feel a pair of greens eyes watching my hands as they clumsily work my hair. Natasha stands up from her seat a few spots down from me and walks towards me. I drop my hands knowing exactly what was about to happen.

Saying nothing, Natasha combs out the poor attempt at a braid I had begun and began a new one. The gentle feeling of her fixing my hair let me relax, and take a breath for a moment. I held up the purple hair tie for her to take.

"You know Rogers and Banner are supposed to be here any minute, you want to join me on deck to greet them?" She asked me as she finished the braid, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Sure, it's better than waiting in here." I sigh, standing up from my seat at the half circle table in the bridge room.

She smiled at me and lead the way outside. I followed with my hands stuffed into the back pockets of my jeans. A habit of mine to stop me from crossing my arms over my chest.

    "Hey, do you know where Stark is? I haven't see him since you two came aboard.."Natasha said as we walked through the halls, heading out doors. I shrug my shoulder.

     "Last I checked he went on a joy ride to make sure everything was up to par with his suit."

    "Hmm, I'll see if I can get into contact with him later. First let's greet the other two men who are supposed to be joining us." Natasha said with a smirk pushing the door open. My eyes squinted automatically to adjust the the bright mid day sun.

When my eyes had finally adjusted I saw the Quinjet that Coulson had taken early this morning to go get Steve Rogers, land perfectly on its designated spot.

"Coulson, they need you on the bridge. Face Trace." Natasha told Coulson. He nodded and went inside to the bridge.

"Miss Barton, lovely to see you again." Steve said, nodding his head towards me. I wave back,

"Like wise, Rogers. Oh this is Natasha Romanoff." I said, pointing to Natasha.

"Nice to meet you ma'am." Steve stuck his hand out for a handshake which she returned.

"Nice to see you out of the ice Captain." I roll my eyes at the awkwardness between the two. The tension was so thick it would break the knife.

"Ah, Dr. Banner. Welcome aboard." Natasha said, awkwardly moving her attention away from Steve.

"Thank you Agent Romanoff." He looked almost skittish and scared. I make a mental note to comfort him some how. Being this high up must be unpleasant.

"Dr. Banner, pleasure to meet you." Steve said as they shook hands. "Word is you can locate the cube."

"Is that the only word about me?" Banner asked, looking around to see if anyone looked scared of him.

"The only word I care about." Steve replied. I watched in surprise as Bruce seemed to relax, even just a little. Maybe he wouldn't need as much comfort as possible.

"As nice as this whole interaction is, I think it's best if we head inside now." I state with a hint of authority. Natasha sends me a knowing glance and I nod my head to confirm her suspicions.

"Is this a submarine? I don't do well in submerged, pressurized, metal boxes." Banner said walking over to the edge, Rogers following him.

"It's definitely not a submarine, but it will be pressurized." I give them both a half hearted smirk. I watched as the two grown men watched in awe as the motors came out of the water and began lifting the helicarrier into air.

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