I turn on the heel of my boot and began walking inside again. I hear as Natasha calls out for the men, telling them to follow. When I open the door to let us back inside, Coulson is waiting for me.

"Rory, I need a favor." He said, holding a brief case.

"Uh, sure Phil. What do you need?" I ask, stepping to the side to allow Steve, Bruce, and Natasha in. He held a black brief case with silver and purple trim.

"In this brief case is your uncles upgraded bow. Can you make sure it gets good use until he returns?" He said pushing the brief cas closer to me.

    I gave Phil a small smile and took the brief case from his hand.

"Thank you Phil. For everything." He returned the smile and walked away. I traced my finger along the purple trim, tears blurring my vision. I quickly blink them away and began the walk to my room. Luckily the walk was short and I didn't run into anyone.

I shut the door behind me and locked it. I set the brief case onto my bed and went over to my closet to grab some comfy clothes and change. I grabbed a short sleeve, lavender colored, muscle shirt and a pair of black leggings. I quickly changed and walked back over to my bed. I took a deep breathe and opened the brief case.

     Inside was a beautiful silver, black, and purple bow with an assortment of buttons. I lightly ran my finger tips over the silver buttons of the bow. It was folded up much like any of my previous bows or Clint's previous bows.

A knock at my door startled me out of my trance. I got up, sighing in annoyance, I swung the door open only to find Agent Hill standing at my door with her arms crossed behind her back.

"They need you on the bridge." She said, turning her back to me and walking away from my room and to the bridge. I shut and locked my door behind me as I left, the feeling of a headache coming up. I shook my head trying to ease the feeling as I walked in to the bridge.

"You ok Rory?" I heard Nat asked as I sat down beside her at the glass table. Groaning, I placed my head in my hands and sloached down. The noise of the room only making the feeling of pain shot through my head. The feeling of a hand placed on my back made me jump slightly. Nat's hand rubbed up and down my back in a soothing manner.

"It's just a head ache Nat, I'll be fine in a few hours." I gave her a smile, but the feeling of her hand never left my back.

Soon after Bruce came in and sat down next to Steve, striking up a conversation about what the 40's was like.

"Gentlemen, Ladies." Fury said, clasping his hands behind his back. The room instantly grew quiet. All keyboard noises stopped, all the light chatter stopped. All the attention went to Fury, including mine.

"Doctor, Captain, Thank you for coming." He sent a nod to both men who nodded in return. I noticed as Bruce's leg began bouncing slightly.

"Thanks for asking... nicely. How long am I supposed to be here...?" His hands began to twitch slightly. He looked over to Nat who gave him a comforting smile.

"Until we find the cube." Fury replied. "Then your free to go." Fury spoke with authority.

"Until we pin point the Tesseract, we are sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cellphones, Trafic Lights, laptops, if it's connected to a satellite, its eyes and ears for us. Our main goal for now is to find Loki." Coulson said, speaking up for Fury. He swept his hand out to all the computers with cameras and facial records searching for Loki.

"Dr. Banner, the Tesseract emits low levels of Gamma Radiation. Is there anyway you can track that?" I spoke up, sliding a graph towards Bruce. He took it and gave it one glance over.

"Call every lab you can and tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them to Gamma Rays. Based on this data, I should be able to rule out a few places. Do I have anywhere to work?" He stood up, no longer fidgeting or bouncing his leg.

"Agent Romanoff, care to show Dr. Banner to his lab?" Fury said, sending a quick glance to Bruce.

"Yes Sir." She stood up and told Bruce to follow her to his lab. The second the sound of their footsteps was out of reach, a computer went off. Beeping every 5 seconds.

"Sir, we have a match." The guy manning the computer said. "66% and climbing."

"Where?" Fury snapped, quickly marching over to the computer. I stood up and walked over to the computer, watching as the map zoned in on Europe.

"Stuttgart, Germany. He's not exactly hiding." The man said, voice filled with worry during the last sentence.

"Time to suit up people." Fury said to us. I left the room, with Steve hot on my heels.

"Steve got get Nat." I said pointing him in the direction of the lab. He nodded and went pass me to the Lab. I went to my room to get dressed and geared up.

I quickly unlocked my door and went into my room. I quickly threw off the clothes I was wearing before and changed into a black muscle shirt paired with black cargo pants and my boots from before. I grabbed my vest and the brief case off my bed. I turned off my lights and placed the standard issued ear pieces given to us.

"I've got a jet." I heard Natasha say over the ear piece. "It leaves in 10, think you can make it."

"Give me five." I replied. I shut my door behind me and booked it out side to the main deck where I found Cap and Nat all suited up from battle. I stopped in front of them and smiled. They both returned the smile and walked aboard the jet. I followed behind them, a feeling of power rushing through me.

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