Tristan gets through, follows the path and then he spots her laying on the ground, he flies over and it triggers the trap, spikes fall and grab down at his left wing, and the venomous water leaks into his wing. "Ahh!" He screams out in agony and he pushes it off him, his wing gets pulled and he screams even louder and it echoes again, again and again. He starts falling but he grabs on to the rock, he pulls himself up and drags himself to her! "Rhain! Rhain!" His eyes begin to form tears, he shakes his head and struggles to take something out of his trouser pocket, he takes out a syringe and punches it through her skin and injects her. "Ah!" He screams out in torment, "Rhain, be okay, be okay!" Her eyes open and she feels the blood rushing through her head, "Tristan? Tristan!" He looks at her and smiles, "Did I save you?" He reaches out to her face with his hand shaking like crazy, she smiles back and shakes her head pressing his hand on her face. "Tristan you don't need to save me, I'm okay with becoming human." His eyes could barely open, "The Hum Niter will make you human, do you not want to become my wife." Rhain kisses his forehead and puts her head against his, "I feel fine, this is what I wanted after all." His hand traces to the back of her head. "Your head... it's burning up!" He gets up and she pulls him back, "Your wing is damaged." He shakes his head and gets up staggering, a painful earthquake erupted in her head. "Ah!" Tristan tried to move carefully towards her, "Are you okay?" She gets up and she starts scattering around. "Rhain!" His eyes were forced open and he held her in his arms, "What's going on?" She smiles, "I don't know..." She was scared but all she could do was smile, "I'll fly us back!" She shakes her head reaching for his touch, "Lilith said-" Her eyes rolled back and her arm dropped down, she was no longer speaking. "I won't let you die! I won't!" He forced his wing to fly broken, he pushed his limits trying to get her back.

"Someone help her! I need help here!" He held her in his clutch, "Help her..." His eyes were a bright pink colour, tears streaming down his face. The Guardian stood before him and he looked up, "No-" Guardian smiled nervously, "She asked to see you before she had to leave." He held her body even tighter, "No- No your lying, tell her to come back! Tell her I need her, tell her I'll find a way to put her back into her body! Don't take her away yet." He couldn't hold back any longer, Guardian knelt and touched his shoulder. "She said she's sorry. And she's glad someone loved her the way you did, she said she was selfish to pick mortality over you. She said Demons aren't that bad after all." Tristan laughs and shakes his head vigorously, "She's standing there with you?" Guardian nods, "Rhain... You aren't selfish, I wanted to marry you. Not because you weren't going to become Goddess or because of my mother... but, because I love you and nobody compares to you. You love to argue, you'd call me all these names, I made you feel unwanted when the real fact was... I was falling madly in love with you. At first making you upset made me feel satisfied but, that was because you never saw the good in me. Soon after, making you sad, made me sad. Please don't leave me, I love you, I'm sorry I wasn't man enough to keep you here. Just do this for me, stay for me." The Guardian looks at her and smiles kindly. "She's crying, and repeating that she loves you too." He looks at her lifeless body in his arms, "I don't want you to leave me..." He kisses her forehead, "You were supposed to come back, come back and be my wife..." Guardian gets up and looks at her, "Tristan, she's fading she has to go." Tristan's eyes were worn out, "There isn't a way to bring her back?" The Guardian shakes his head, "She said if anything, you were the only reason to keep living, you're a good person so show that to others. I'd be the happiest person in the world to even be able to become your wife, I have to go, goodbye." Tristan shakes his head, "Good-" He lifts her body off him and lays her across the floor. "I'm not ready to say it, Rhain... I-" The guardian bowed, "Tristan, she has now left." Tristan laid on the floor beside her, he made no sound, he spoke no words.

Later that day Tristan went back to the dungeons, "You lied. She ate it and she died! The holy water did nothing for her!" His mother touches the bar, "It killed her?" He put his hand through the bar and grabbed her by her top, "You knew it would kill her didn't you? You knew it and you left that part out." Lilith shakes her head, "I promise you, I had no clue that would happen." Tristan lets go and drops to the floor crying, "You're lying to me. Mother, how could you do this to me? Why didn't you understand how much I loved her... Why did you not care to hurt me?" She reaches out for his face and stops. "My boy. I did not know it was going to kill her, the only person that could have known was Tridarian." He looks up at her shocked, "Why?" She places her hand down on the floor, "He was the one that gave it to me, I knew it brought mortality and that was the price for keeping Nathaniel quiet... He must have known it was going to kill me once I took it." Tristan gets up and rushes to the throne room. "How dare you come into the room in that manner!" Tristan looked around, "You killed your daughter... You are the reason she's dead." Lucifer walks over to him, "What are you talking about?" Tristan's eyes were flaming, "Tristan?" Nathaniel gets up, "What happened to Rhain?" Tristan laughs, "Like you care, you wanted to kill her and look, now she's dead. Completely out of your way, or is it now that you get to become God that her death is no matter to you." Lucifer stands in front of him. "Tridarian tried to kill mother with the Hum Niter, in the hope she would take it to become mortal." Tristan moves over to face Tridarian, "But little did you know, my mother told Rhain to take it to become mortal... Do you understand now? Do you understand how this is all your fault!" Lucifer takes Tristan out of the room. "Tristan, I know how devastating this is for you-" Tristan laughs, "Devastating, do you know the meaning of that word? I didn't lose something that will someday turn back up. I lost someone that I know will never return, lost for eternity." Tristan walks away, "Tristan. I'll give you time, time to grieve. But you are the future Devil." Lucifer walks back into the throne room.

The BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora