019 03MOON 26

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I don't know where to begin. I don't even know if writing about today's events is a really correct thing to do, but I just can't pretend it never happened, and I think that maybe this is a great opportunity to put my thoughts in order, which clearly I would need. I'll try to be as precise as I can, even if all of this is still pretty blurry in my mind.
Today, for the first time of my long life here in Dema, I actually came to work being determined. I knew that being Lisden's favorite or any of these fantasies were pointless, but I intended to be as efficient as possible, the only thing I've got for myself being my utility for my district.
Therefore, I was that dedicated to my work, I didn't pay any attention to the clock, and when I finally realized that work time was up, everybody already left. It is really shocking how here in Dema, people are like ghosts that don't even feel real.
Just alike the Bishops, you cannot sense one's presence, and sometimes you'll be surprised by someone seeming to appear in front of you, or disappear when you're not looking.

I was pretty nervous: if I didn't get home in time and Lisden found out, who knows what might happen to me. I was walking pretty fast; I started running.
I knew a shortcut to my place; I never use it because it goes near Andre's district and I don't want to get seen close to the limit, but this being kind of an emergency, I took the shortcut. I was running faster and faster in streets that, while still being familiar, offered some form of novelty to me; a novelty that was somehow scary, but also comforting, the massive grey concrete walls leaving no doubt about where I was: in this town, this comforting shelter that is Dema. As these mixed feelings ran through my mind, a strange detail caught my attention, on the other side of the district limit. Some sort of reflection of light; not the neon light I was used to, this one was... another color and, as odd as it sounds, it was a color that I couldn't really comprehend. It was still too far away for me to know what is was, but it was clearly not fitting the settings. This vision slowed me down a bit, but I was still running. Nevertheless, when I finally got close enough to understand what I was staring at, I suddenly stopped, and hid behind a pillar, fearing for him to see me. Because yes, it was a person.

Close to the limit on Andre's district's side, and walking toward my direction, was a man. Saying that he was 'special' would be a euphemism I won't even dare to use here. He was shining, and quite litteraly. The light coming from this individual, indeed, wasn't anything alike the light of the neon. This one felt more... real, if you will. A real, warm light that surrounded him and yet, his eyes were as forged in darkness, and this contrast frightened me. He was wearing an uncanny brown jacket, on which someone applied tape that was... what color was that ? I still couldn't tell. One thing was for sure, it was nothing I ever saw.
However, on the moment, the element that perturbed me for the most wasn't that strange glow, nor the calm demeanor of a man that would obviously never get home in time, but the very fact that he was leaning towards the limit. In a few seconds, he was going to cross it. This thin white chalk line was one of the rare things I was really terrified of here in Dema, along with the vultures and the outside. It was never clearly stated by the Nine that going from a district to another was forbidden, but it's always been like that. You don't cross the limit. You were born in a district, and you shall stay within under the caring protection of your Bishop, and that for lifetime, until you achieve the Glorious Gone. Everyone in Dema acknowledged and respected this tacit rule, yet, the man in front of me wasn't scared at all, as if he's been used to cross that frontier. He didn't even flinched when stepping outside of his district, and calmly continued his way into mine. Still hidden behind my pillar, I was mesmerized by the man. He didn't notice me, kept walking, and when he went out of my sight, thousands of questions suddenly crossed my mind. Was he one of those deranged citizens willing to go outside ? From the legends I had heard, they usually gather in groups. What was he doing alone in the streets after work time was up ? I mean yes, I was too, but this man wasn't pressed at all, he was calm, and above all, crossed the district limit. A citizen from Andre's district stepped into Lisden's, and this right in front of me.
I don't remember anything from my way back home, I don't know if I ran or walked, but I didn't get caught and got home safely.

Now, you may wonder, why didn't I run from him, why did I stopped and watched him ? At first I just feared for him to see me, but the man was walking so slow I could have easily skirted him, so why did I stop ? This question torments me again and again. I know I shouldn't express any interest for the man: he's an outlaw, a rebel, and in a few minutes lapse, he alone completely annihilated the sweet and safe routine that I strive every day to preserve. Yet, I don't know why, I can't stop thinking about him. He's clearly a dangerous person, a threat to Dema, and the most extraordinary thing that ever happened to me, in a nutshell: everything I despise and yet, yet, I didn't run, and watched him. All these questions will accompany me in my sleep, which might be troubled.

May the walls of Dema cover me.

- Ezedis

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