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Start from the beginning

Well your gonna have to shut your eyes or something

I groaned loudly throwing my phone down making Rose and mom turn their heads round as Colin looked in the mirror at me. I rolled my eyes at them and put my head in my hands trying to go to sleep. Before I knew it, that feeling came and I rushed to grab my phone back out my pocket

Mom I'm gonna be sick

"Colin pull into the service station" Mom said worriedly as she glanced back at me as i bent over and covered my mouth with my hand

"Mom" I groaned as Colin pulled over and he got Rose out and pulled down the seats at the front

"Come on baby it's alright" mom said reaching out her hand. I took her hand and slowly crawled over the seats

Just as i crawled over, I leaned out of the car and felt like I was throwing up my guts. I immediately broke down into tears, being sick was disgusting and it just makes me wanna cry forever

"Your okay" Mom cooed while holding my hair back as I continued to throw up on the side of the road. I blame Colin's driving skills for this to be fair

"Mama" I sobbed and gagged with streams of tears falling down my face. Rose stepped back in disgust and I don't blame her. Colin held Cosmo as everyone watched me

"Mama i wanna go home" I sobbed closing my eyes and reaching out for mom. Mom wrapped her arms around me and stroked the top of my hair. I snuggled into her warmth and started to close my eyes as she wiped my mouth with a tissue.

Colin buckled Cosmo and rose back into their seats as me and mom got in the back. I sat as close to her as possible and laid sideways cuddling into her. She wrapped her arm around me which gave me more access to the cuddle.

"Close your eyes baby" Mom whispered. I looked up at her with my eyes half closed, she gave me a warm smiled and brushed the hair away from my eyes. I closed my eyes fully and leaned forward resting my body in my mom.

I looked down at Y/n who was fast asleep, i felt bad for her. She hates being sick, everything about it. It was partially my fault, I should have reminded her.

I feel as though I haven't been there for her the past few weeks and I've been paying to much attention to work or the others. I have been noticing that she doesn't talk a lot anymore, I've never felt so guilty before.

I tightened my grip around her and placed my head on top of hers, resting my hand on her cheek and kissing the top of her head.

"Everything alright" Colin suddenly spoke from the front and looked in the mirror at me. I have him a smile and nodded my head

"Are them two sleeping" I asked motioning to Rose and Cosmo. Colin looked back at the road for a second before looking at my two young ones and nodding his head. I have him a thumbs up which he laughed at and focused back on the road

"Mama" Y/n mumbled and started to stir about. I put my phone down at looked at her as she furrowed her eyebrows and whined quietly

"You alright sweetheart" I asked grabbing the bag by my feet getting ready. Y/n shook her head and placed her hand over her mouth again. I held the back up to her lips as watched as she only drooled a bit, spitting out what she had left in her. Luckily she didn't throw up, it would not have smelt nice.

"It's okay" I cooed kissing her forehead as she cried softly. Colin threw me a packet of tissues which I unfolded and wiped Y/n's mouth with and put the bag back down on the floor.

"Go back to sleep love. Everything's okay" I whispered stroking Y/n's thigh and kissing her nose as she curled back into my body, moulding perfectly. I leant forward holding Y/n and stroked the top of Rose's head as she peacefully snored.

After leaning back with Y/n, I decided to try and get some sleep as we still had a bit left of this trip and i wanted to relax for the last of it

"Mama your squishing me" A small voice came from beside me, I looked down and saw my boobs, yes my boobs covering Y/n's face. I had a baggy t-shirt on with no bra, self explanatory.

"I'm sorry baby" I chuckled and pulled back, pulling Y/n above my chest and laying sideways like I was before and this time not suffocating Y/n.

"I love you, and your brother and sister and Colin. I love you all so much" I mumbled against Y/n's forehead.

"Love you guys more" Y/n grumbled sleepily rubbing her eyes and playing with the sides of my hair. I smiled and rested my forehead down on Y/n's head shutting my eyes and hearing her breathing even out. This was going to be one mad holiday.


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