Week 5: When Life Gets Busy ☁️

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I nodded slowly after her small rant. "I'm sure she's just a friend. No need to get worked up. And pottery sounds nice. You could have a little Ghost moment, you know?" I teased but she gave me an incredulous look. "What? Patrick Swayze—"

"I know the movie. Jasper is artsy. He's a hipster. That's fine. Miranda is not. She's not playing in mud. Gross. Absolutely not. And you're going, Blake."

"Okay, okay," I laughed. "I'll go."

"And Elijah can't come. I'm hogging all your time. I don't want you guys having a Ghost moment and Jasper has the instructor and I end up a fifth wheel."

"You're being dramatic."

She shrugged, "Rather that than boring."

"Hey, actually I need something from you."


I laughed, nodding, "yeah. Mom's book club meeting is tomorrow night this week. Do you think you can watch Mia for me, please?"

"Is it okay if she comes to the mall with Jasper and I? It's his only night off this week, cause we're planning to go to New York this weekend. And we have some shopping to do."

"What?" I gasped. "A weekend away?"

She smiled, nodding, "yeah. His sister lives there. She turns 30 on Sunday so we're going to celebrate."

"And you're meeting his sister? Oh, my god, Miranda!"

Her smile got wider as she nodded more enthusiastically, "I know! I can't believe it. We've been seeing each other for a few weeks and we're just so comfortable with one another. Ugh. He's the sweetest. I really like him. He's so fun yet mature. And he's easy going, so when I'm crazy, he just deals."

"He really likes you," I said, "I could tell last night. You guys are super cute. And he seems so great."

"So that's a yes to him meeting Mia?"

I laughed, nodding, "I trust you and your judgement. I know my princess will be fine."

"She will be," she assured. "Anyways, don't you have to get back to work? I'd like a burger and fries. Well done. With a strawberry milkshake."

I rolled my eyes, standing up, "coming right up."

"Eye rolling won't get you a tip."

"Those kind of jokes will cause you to lose your plus one for pottery," I retorted, walking away.

She gasped, "don't joke like that!"


I wrapped my arms around Elijah's neck, smiling up at him, "thanks for meeting me for a late lunch. Hope you weren't starving."

His hands grabbed hold of my hips, "I don't mind. But don't you leave work to pick up Mia from school?"

"Miranda is picking her up. She's got her for the evening while I work. But I have three hours before I have to be at the diner, so I figured I'd squeeze in some time for you since I promised my Friday night to Miranda also."

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