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"54,55,56,57,58,59,60."I counted before I placed the dumbbells down and took a breather.

"Okay, ladies listen up. The tournament this weekend is do or die. The opponent lists are up outside coach Lani's door." Thea announced as she walked into the gym.

"You're dismissed."she said which made us all rush to go see the list, I nodded at who I was versing, I looked beside me and noticed Simone, I helped her look for her name and rolled my eyes.

"Oh damn. Helena Davis. She's eh but don't think too much about it."I said as I tapped her on the shoulder.

"She's number one in our conference. She literally made us sweat last season."Thea said which made me kiss my teeth as I watched Thea walk away from us.

"Is she right?"Simone asked as she looked at me.

"She's tough but you're tough too."I said as I held her hand with a smile.

"I need to go finish up an assignment. I'll see you around?"I asked as I hugged her tightly.

"Yeah, yeah."she said as I walked away from her, I grabbed my duffle bag before I left the gym, I plugged in my earphones and walked back into campus.

I made my way into my room and I had flash backs of my match with Helena, she gave me hell for real but I won the match only with the help of Thea though, she tapped into my anxiety and I didn't enjoy that very much.

"Baby? You okay?"I looked up at JR who had his hand on my shoulder, I took my earphone out of my ear and looked up at him.

"Uh. Yeah, yeah I'm good. How is the founders day barbecue going arrangement?"I asked as I gave him a small smile but he placed his hand under my chin.

"I'm nervous about tomorrow I guess."I lied as I shrugged my shoulders.

"You want me to be there?"he asked as he placed his arms around my waist.

"No, no. You need to arrange the KEK event, I'm alright. Okay?"I asked as I held his chin so he could face me before I pecked his lips and left before he could say anything.



I sighed as I took my pills and quickly put them in my bag before I took my tennis racket out of my bag and began to practice against the wall.

"Miss Queen of the court. Your sister ain't here today."Helena said as she looked at me up and down, I glared at her before I rolled my eyes and began to practice against the wall once again, she giggled as she mocked me.

Whilst I was playing my game was off but that's because Helena and her girls were trying to throw me off.

"Point goes to Mecca. Mecca wins."I nodded my head as I rushed towards my bag but I was stopped by Helina.

"Your foot work is sloppy. Embarrassing."Helina said as she gave me a smirk.

"Get out of my face."I said as I packed my bag and began to feel dizzy.

"Girl, leave her alone."Keisha yelled as she glared at Helina.

"Whatever. You were lucky this time."she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Helena, shut the hell up!"I yelled as I pushed her but then I began to breath in and out and then everything went black.


"It's just her anxiety."I heard Thea say as she played with my hair, I looked up and noticed that I had been sleeping on her lap.

I then sat up and looked around.

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